CD Review: The Best of Perfect Heart

This year, Perfect Heart put out a “Best Of” CD with the current group singing songs made popular by the original Perfect Heart. Being a Danny Funderburk fan, I wasn’t sure what I’d think of this recording but I was not disappointed. Tenor Wesley Anders did a good job. He has a different voice than Danny but his voice is nice and clear which makes it enjoyable to listen to him.

Mike Presnell is the only original member still with Perfect Heart and he still does a great job on “Living Water,” “I Wish It Would Rain,” and “Glory Waves.”

The other songs included are “They That Sow,” “Somebody Touched the Lord,” “The Pleasure is Mine,” “Thinking of a Mansion,” “We Have Won,” and “Yes Is the Answer.”

CD Review: My Offering (Lauren King)

  • November 16, 2010 at 10:52 pm in

Lauren King has a country tone to her voice and style to her music. Her voice reminds me a bit of Misty Freeman. Lauren wrote four of the eleven songs on her latest recording.

The recording starts with the first radio single off this project, an uptempo song titled “All to Him.”

“Thankful” is one of the songs Lauren wrote with her husband Shane and is a perfect song to listen to this time of year.

“It Would Have Been Easy” talks about how Christ’s life could have been different but He didn’t choose the easy path; He chose the hard one.

“Hallelujah Offering” could be a Christmas song but songs of Christ’s birth are really relevant all year long and they chose to include this song on this recording. He truly is worthy of our praise.

I like the guitar on “Smoky Mountain Song.” As the title suggests, it is about the Smoky Mountains and is a song people who enjoy the mountains will appreciate.

Songs you’ll be familiar with include an uptempo version of “Jesus Saves,” “Hallelujah! What a Savior!,” and “What Child is This.”

Other songs are “Come to Jesus,” “Praises to the King” and “When I Think About the Lord.”

Thankful for the Cross

As thankful as I am for the Cross that Christ bore, the inspiration for this post came from thinking of the cross I am called to bear. I don’t always embrace it as strongly as I should but it’s through faithfully carrying the cross and sharing in His sufferings, that we can identify with Him and grow to be more like Him. If life were all ease, we wouldn’t see our need for Him but, because we have those things that drive us to our knees, we can say, “Thank you, Father, for counting me worthy to bear this for you.” Don’t forget that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We weren’t made to carry the cross by ourselves. If we keep our eyes on Him, the weight won’t seem so heavy and burdensome and we will truly be able to rejoice regardless of the cross we bear.

Thankful for Movement

Back in September, I hurt my leg and, shortly after that, my back went out, putting me down for a couple weeks. It was during this time in which I wasn’t able to take my daily walks or do much exercise, that I realized how important it is to be able to move. It doesn’t take long before the body begins to deteriorate if it’s not getting proper exercise. I’m not a very active person but apparently the little exercise I do on a regular basis is enough to keep my arms and legs moving to the degree that they need to without everything starting to hurt or refusing to move.

This has made me grateful that God has designed bodies to recover quickly. He thought of everything, didn’t He? He knows what we need and, if we do those things, our bodies will continue to function. If we refuse to eat right and exercise, our bodies will deteriorate since they’re not getting the things they need. With winter setting in, it will be harder to make myself get out and walk but I trust God to give me the strength to do so or else to give me creative ways to exercise indoors so that I’m taking care of His temple.

Thankful for Seasons

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Living up north, I’ve learned to appreciate each season as it comes but I have to admit winter is my least favorite. The older I get, the harder it is to make myself bundle to go out in the cold and the snow but I know that winter has a purpose too and, if I can stay inside by the fire, the snow is beautiful.

Spring is my favorite season but I wonder if the beauty of spring is magnified in contrast to the cold and drear of winter. Spring is the time of year we see life appear out of what lied dormant for several months.

As with seasons of earth, each season of life has a purpose and can be beautiful as well. There may be seasons that we like better than others but, with hindsight, we will see God’s hand at each season of our lives and will learn to thank Him for those seasons. He truly does all things beautiful in His time.

Helping a Friend Get a Job

This will be different than anything I’ve ever posted but I have a friend who is trying to get a writing job. Apparently the job is won by votes. I don’t know how many votes she needs but I’m sure she can’t get too many. If you are interested in helping someone be able to reach more people with an encouraging message, please visit here and click “Vote.” You may vote once per day until November 18.

Thank you so much. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Thank You for the Roses

  • November 7, 2010 at 11:24 pm in

The last few days I’ve been listening to “Thank You for the Roses” by the Primitive Quartet. It’s especially fitting for this month so I thought I’d post it for your reflection as well. It speaks for itself as far as what’s on my heart this evening.

Thankful for God’s Love

I was reading the Psalms this evening and thinking how blessed I am to be a recipient of God’s unfailing love. How often the Psalmist mentions it and I have to say I love dwelling on it and reminding myself how much God loves me. I can’t grasp it or understand why in the world He does but I don’t doubt it. No matter what happens to me, I know my Father is there looking out for me and ready to fight anyone who hurts His little girl.

I feel sorry for those who haven’t experienced that love. No human love will ever measure close to the love the Father has for us. He created us to have fellowship with us and He desires our constant time and attention. Are you giving that to Him or have the cares of this world zapped the energy that you should be devoting to the One who loves you more than you could ever dare to ask or think?

I don’t know about you but I am so thankful for the way God loves me and I pray I am faithful to relay that love to the world. They need to feel that love too.

Tony Dykes of the Greesons Goes Home

Singing News’ website was the only place I saw that mentioned the recent Homegoing of Tony Dykes so I decided to veer off of my Thanksgiving focus to ask prayer for a group that I only recently found out about.

I don’t think I’d ever heard of the Greesons until a couple months ago at the National Quartet Convention. I heard their name a couple times during the week and then got to meet a couple of the members the last day of the event. Although a relatively brief meeting, they struck me as a group I really should get to know.

When I heard today of Tony’s passing, my heart went out to his family and I just thought I’d ask the Body of Christ to cover his wife, Lisa, and children, Jacob and Emily, as well as the Greesons and ask God to pour out the special grace they need during this time. Not only was Tony a husband and father but he was the lead singer and emcee of this group. As difficult as this is, I know God doesn’t make mistakes and I know that His purposes will be accomplished in those who are still here. The group plans to continue singing.

Thankful for Family

When I ask people what they are thankful for, it seems family is one of the top answers I receive next to God and salvation. I wonder, though, if most people stop to think what exactly their family means to them or if it just seems like the thing to say.

For myself, I am blessed to have a family who loves me. This does not mean that we agree on everything but, if I need a hug, there’s almost always a sister who’s ready to oblige. My family is also good at “speaking the truth.” I may not always appreciate that part 🙂 but I know that it’s those times of having to take a look at myself that has helped to form me into the person I am. As Gloria Gaither said, “I’m not what I want to be but thank God I’m not what I was.”

God has a reason that He put each of us in the family He did. No family is perfect but each family who knows the Lord serves a purpose. If your family does not know the Lord, He still has you in that family for a reason, and the greatest reason is more than likely so you can be a light and show them the way to the Father. Don’t get discouraged but ask God to show you what you have to be thankful for in your family. I’m sure He will do so.
