CD Review: Treasures (Mark Trammell Quartet)

The Mark Trammell Quartet recently put out a collection of old Cathedral Quartet songs.

“Echoes from the Burning Bush” is an old song which several groups have sung but MTQ keeps the Cathedrals’ arrangement. Pat Barker does a great job on the bass on this song.

“Gentle Shepherd” was written by Bill Gaither but is another song the Cathedrals sang a lot. For this song, they used a “live” version.

The first Cathedral’s recording I ever owned was ‘Traveling Live.” On this cassette was “Bloodwashed Band.” I loved it then and still don’t get tired of hearing it.

One of the best baritones in the business, Mark Trammell sings “That Day at Calvary.”

Although Pat Barker does not sound like George Younce, as he sang “I’ll Have a New Life” and “Everybody Will Be Happy Over There,” it brought back to mind the years of George singing those same songs down to the “We’re gonna shout” at the end of the song.

Neil Enloe wrote “Statue of Liberty.” If you’ve not heard it, the first verse talks about the Statue of Liberty and how privileged we are to be Americans while the second verse talks about how the cross is our true Statue of Liberty.

“An Old Convention Song” is another song in which they recorded a “live” version.

“I Thirst” was written by Mark Lowry’s mother, Beverly. I don’t know if she’s written many songs but this one was well written and nicely performed first by the Cathedrals and now by the Mark Trammell Quartet.

I never tire of hearing Mark Trammell sing “Master Builder.” The recording with that title was one of my favorite Cathedral recordings.

The first time I heard “Wedding Music” was live in concert. I sometimes wonder, “Is that wedding music that I hear?”

“Then I Met the Master” is another great song.

Last but not least, the CD ends with “Boundless Love.”

More Love to Thee

More love to Thee, O Christ! More love to Thee! Hear Thou the prayer I make on bended knee. Still all my song shall be more love, O Christ, to Thee. More love to Thee. More love to Thee.

What a prayer! More love to Thee, O Christ! Brothers and Sisters, we can’t love Jesus too much. If anything, most of us don’t love Him nearly as much as we should. Until we understand that He is more important than the next breath we take, our love for Him has not increased to the point which He desires.

Father help me to love You more. Help me to realize that everything I have is from You. May I not just worship you sometimes but may my life be full of worship as it flows out of my love for You. I truly want to please You and to love You with every part of my being. Help me to love You as You have undeniably loved me.

It’s Never Too Late to Repent

Yesterday, I reminded you how everything you do is seen by God but I want to remind you, too, that, if you’ve been living a life you’re ashamed of, it is NEVER too late to repent. 1 John 1:9 says that, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.” In spite of what some teach, this does not mean that you can sin on a daily basis and expect God to turn a blind eye. It does mean that, “if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1). He is not willing that any should perish but that ALL should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

The first step in repentance is to acknowledge that what you are doing is sin. Second, you must ask God to change your heart but you can’t put the sole burden on Him. He will not make you change. You still need to flee when temptation presents itself. If you ask, He is willing to help, however, so that you can live a victorious, Godly life. Don’t delay. Repent today.

Every Moment Counts

“All things are naked and opened to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” (Hebrews 4:13b)

When you’re alone, are you aware that you’re not really alone? So many use their “alone” time to do things that they don’t want anyone to know they are doing. They’ve obviously forgotten Hebrews 4:13. Everything you do is recorded and will in time be made known. Are you living a life that is open and honest–one that will surprise no one when they view the tapes? Or will you be hanging your head in shame as everyone views the life you led while on earth?

Time is short. Every moment counts. How are you spending your time? Is it to serve God or to serve yourself?

Taking Care of Yourself is Important

Not sure why but I find myself very tired this evening so I’m taking time to rest and hoping to get to sleep early. Although necessary to push sometimes, God designed our bodies to know when they need rest. Rest helps us avoid sickness; it insures a more productive work day; and it gives us the clarity of mind we need to more effectively communicate with God.

Through the years, people have become more inclined to abuse their bodies. Whether it’s through what they eat or drink or the hours they work, the need to take care of ourselves has fallen by the wayside. I confess I’m not always good at doing what’s best for my body either but I’m praying for God’s help in this area. My body is His temple, and I am not much good to Him or to anyone else if I’m feeling sluggish or ill.

It may seem like a small thing, and it may seem like a super spiritual thing to push yourself but, if God is in the long hours you keep, He will give you the strength to keep those hours. If your diet consists of the food He desires for your body, you will receive the strength you need from that as well. Don’t neglect your body. If you’re struggling in any way, ask Him if there are things you need to change in your lifestyle. Then pray for grace to make those changes.

Because He Lives

“How sweet to hold a newborn baby and feel the pride and joy he gives but greater still that calm assurance our child can face uncertain days because He lives.” ~ Bill & Gloria Gaither

I’m so glad I serve a living Savior. I would not want to go through this wicked world of trouble and trial without Him. More and more, I find myself longing to go Home but I know God has a plan for my life. He put me here for a reason and, because He lives, I can fulfill that purpose. Because He lives, I can offer hope to the hopeless; I can give encouragement to the downtrodden; I can testify to God’s goodness because He is not dead. He is alive!

No matter what you’re going through, God has not forsaken you. He cares about every minute detail. Sometimes His purposes are best fulfilled through trial and suffering. Don’t resent it but receive it as from His hand. As He extends His hand, reach out and grasp it. Know that His plans for you are not evil but good. Because He lives, you and I can live and we can continue to be a light in a dark and dreary world.

Janice Eleton Goes to Heaven

  • May 9, 2012 at 10:26 pm in

I found out yesterday that Janice Eleton, the mother of Channing Eleton passed away last week. I know there are many who have prayed for her for a while, and the answer finally came–maybe not in the way we would have chosen but God never makes a mistake.

I didn’t know Mrs. Eleton well but I always enjoyed seeing her and was touched by her sweet spirit. It was obvious that she did not need to be the center of attention but was very supportive of her husband Earl and their children.

The older I get, the more I realize how much of a vapor life really is. When you’re young, you feel like you have your whole life ahead of you. As you get older, you realize how much time is behind you and you learn the importance of making sure every moment counts. In the scope of eternity, our life on earth is not very long at all.

Please keep Earl and Channing and the rest of the Eleton family in your prayers.

Saved From a Life of Sin

Do you ever stop to think about what God has saved you from? If you’ve grown up in church, chances are you’ve “missed out” on the sinful lifestyle that others have experienced but have you ever stopped to thank God for protecting you from that? People who are saved out of the world seem to do better at expressing their appreciation because they know what God has saved them from. People who were raised in church seem to forget that they were saved from a life of sin as well. God didn’t reach out to you because you are better than the drug addicts down the street. He reached out to you because He is full of love and mercy, and He does not want anyone to perish. He saw beyond what you were to who you could become but, without Him, you would be the most heinous, sinful person you could imagine. Maybe that’s hard to picture but it’s the difference of a life with Christ and a life without Christ.

I’m so glad God saved me when He did. I shudder to think what my life would be like without Him. I know I’m capable of living a wretched, vile life but it’s looking at Him and remembering everything He went through to enable me to be able to spend eternity with Him that keeps me striving to do what pleases Him. It’s not by works of righteousness that I have done but according to His mercy that He saved me. It’s that same mercy, however, that keeps me striving to do those works of righteousness.

As you look at those around you that you would call “sinners,” don’t forget that you too are a sinner. Thank God for His salvation and ask Him to continue to show you the areas you need to surrender to Him. I probably sound like a broken record but I can’t emphasize the importance of holiness too much. It’s the pure in heart that will see God. Does that describe you?

Concert/CD Review: Joy in the Journey (The McKameys)

It’s hard to believe but up until a little over a week and a half ago, I had never seen the McKameys outside of the National Quartet Convention so I was thrilled when we were in MO and I found they were going to be at a church about an hour from where we were staying. I confess I was a bit stressed as we headed to where we thought the church was and ended up being in a residential area. God led us, though, and we ended up arriving right at 7:00. Not only that, we were able to sit on the front row!

If you’ve talked to anyone who has ever met the McKameys, the word you’ve probably heard the most is “genuine” and I can attest to the fact that they are that. I’m truly convinced that what you see is what you get.

Songs sung at the concert included:

Joy in the Journey – the title song of their latest CD.

Between 12 and 33 – a song I’ve loved since I first heard it sung at NQC. As my birthday approaches, I find myself singing this song more. Although older than 33, to me, it’s a reminder of how faithful Jesus was to His father even at a young age and how He desires to use me as well. I don’t know if that’s what the writer intended to say through the song but that’s where my mind goes when I hear it.

I Made Up My Mind – I needed to hear this song. I find it easy to live life doing what others think I should do instead of pressing in to know what God desires me to do. I need not worry about what others think. God’s approval should be all that matters.

God Saves Ol’ Sinners – Reuben sang this song. Very simple but true.

All That Matters – a song in which Eli is featured, recorded on their latest CD

When Faith Steps In – “When you open your eyes to that Heavenly scene and you realize it’s not a dream, that’s when faith will end.” Can you imagine the day when our faith becomes sight? When we not only believe that Heaven is real but we know it’s real?

God on the Mountain – I don’t suppose a McKamey’s concert would be complete without this song. The first time I heard of them, someone gave me a cassette which included this song. All these years later, I never tire of hearing it. I guess most people don’t.

I Made it by Grace – It’s by grace that we’re saved, not by works lest anyone should boast. This is also off the Joy in the Journey CD.

After this first set, there was an intermission and an offering was taken. When the group returned to the stage, they sang what I believe was all requests. These included:

I’ll Be Looking for You – Featuring Reuben and Peg, this was on the tape with “God on the Mountain” so I would not have thought to request this song but someone did and I was blessed to be able to see them sing this live.

Shepherd’s Point of View – The McKamey’s song list is full of songs encouraging people in the midst of trials and this song sung by Sheryl Ferris is one of those. You may not know why you face such mountains here on earth but one day you will be able to see from the Shepherd’s point of view.

Roll That Burden on Me – is another great song of encouragement. If you’re weighted down with the worries of life, you simply need to roll your burden onto the Father. Nothing is too heavy for Him.

I Prayed for You – If someone has ever said this to you, you know what a blessing it is when God lays you on someone’s heart and they take the time to pray for you.

Do You Know How It Feels – This is one of my favorite McKameys songs so I was grateful that they included it in their program. I’m so glad I know how it feels to be a child of God.

Right on Time – “Look ahead. Here comes Jesus right on time.” His timing is always perfect.

Other songs on the Joy in the Journey CD include:

I Have a Great Savior – talks about the greatness of our Lord.

Glorify the Lord in the Fire – Peg McKamey Bean sings this song which talks about the Hebrew children and how they glorified the Lord in the fire. Then verse 2 talks about the trials of life and how we still need to trust God and glorify Him in fiery trials.

All is Well – Connie Fortner sings this song in which the first verse talks about Christ’s resurrection. The next verse talks about a loved one who died but who is now in Heaven. All is well!

Remember When – Reuben Bean sings about “when Jesus saved my soul … made me whole … gave me peace within when He took away all my sin.”

He Gave – Peg sings about the various things which Jesus gave, the greatest gift being His life.

God Doesn’t Think Like Me – There may be times you wish God would write your life differently but you don’t see the whole picture. Seek first His Kingdom and be transformed by renewing your mind. God doesn’t think like you.

It’s All About Him

We are at the end of a three-week tour. One more convention and then we head home. My body is very weary but my spirit is refreshed. Sometimes when we travel we don’t see the full picture of what God is doing in people’s lives but I know He is doing a work, and I’m grateful that we can be a part of that.

As we prepare for this conference, I thank God for each person He plans to bring. I pray that He will bring the people to my brother’s sessions who need to hear what he has to say. I pray God will bring people with open hearts. I pray that, as people shop at our table, that they will find resources which will help them in their walk with the Lord. I also pray that we will show His love to each person we talk to.

Each day I wake up, God has a plan for my life. Some days, I can see what God’s doing. Other days, I can’t but my job is to be faithful. I need to continually walk in the path God has for me and trust Him to complete the work He’s begun in me and in those around me. Serving Him is such a blessing. When my eyes are on Him, it’s really not about me. It’s all about Him.
