Chris Allman Has a Blog
Although not new news, I just found Chris Allman’s blog a few days ago. You may know Chris as the tenor for Greater Vision; however, God has also gifted him in being able to write well and communicate Scriptural truths and insights. I read several of his entries today and, although I am not a blog reader, his is a blog worth reading.
He Kept on Loving Me
I don’t know who originally sang it but I grew up hearing my grandparents sing a song titled “He Kept On Loving Me.” This evening, I found myself singing, “I don’t know why He loved me to begin with ’cause for years I never once called His name but in spite of all my faults, I guess He had some plans for me ’cause He kept on loving me just the same.” I am so grateful for the truth of those words.
I’ve been blessed to be raised by a mom who taught us to seek God first in everything. Whether it was a need or something we were grateful for, it was automatic to go to God but I hate to admit that, in recent years, I’ve not been as faithful as I used to be. This evening, as I was praying, I asked God to help me to be faithful. Fighting battles on my own is burdensome but, when I turn to Him, I find that His yoke is easy and His burden light.
I don’t deserve my Father’s love but I pray I live a life worthy of His love. He’s done so much for me. How can I do any less for Him?
Gwen Wilkerson goes to Heaven
I found out this morning that Gwen Wilkerson, the wife of the late David Wilkerson has gone Home to be with Jesus. Once again, our loss is Heaven’s gain. Her family said she “went to be with Christ with great peace and even anticipation.” What a way to go! As much as I am saddened by her death, I know she is rejoicing to be with her Savior and to be reunited with her husband.
I never met Mrs. Wilkerson but I’ve always thought of her as the epitome of a faithful woman. She was married to the same man for 58 years. She was faithfully by his side as he followed God wholeheartedly in a calling that couldn’t have been easy for her. I suspect Brother David would not have been as effective without her love and support. In Proverbs 31:10, Solomon asks, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Brother David obviously found one and now she’s once again at his side.
This morning, I ask you to once again pray for the Wilkerson family. Losing both parents within 15 months of each other cannot be easy but I pray they feel God’s grace and that they draw even closer to Him during this time.
An Attitude of Gratitude
I’ve been pondering gratitude lately. I don’t think of myself as an ungrateful person, and I often thank God for His goodness, His love and His many blessings but I wonder if my life reflects the gratitude I think I feel. Do I truly understand how blessed I am?
I think I’ve tended to go the path so many do–where I focus on the things of earth instead of developing an eternal perspective. Life is full of discouragement and disappointments, and those things can get one down but, no matter what happens in life, God is still on His Throne and we still have much to rejoice in.
Right now, I am asking God to show me everything I have to be thankful for so I can thank Him for those things. Then I want to communicate to others the blessings God has poured out on me. For those God has put in my life who have stood by me through thick and thin, I thank Him. For the way that He continues to love me when He could have easily left me a long time ago, I thank Him. For giving me a family who loves me in spite of different preferences and personalities, I thank Him. And for being the best Father I could ever have asked for, I thank Him. What a wonderful God I serve. How can I not have an attitude of gratitude?
Oh, Yes, He Cares!
“Oh yes, He cares. I KNOW He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When my days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.” ~Frank Graeff
Everyone goes through difficult times. Whether the loss of a loved one, a friend who’s turned on them, a debilitating sickness, life is full of grief but one thing we can take comfort in is knowing that our Savior cares. Jesus’ life was no different than ours. He went through sorrowful times as well but He never wavered in His faith because He knew His Father was with Him.
Our life here on earth is so short in light of eternity. Our suffering is even shorter. Our Savior has gone to prepare a place for us and we will join Him really soon. Yes, Brothers and Sisters, God really does care about you. He has not forgotten you. Take some time to draw near to Him, let Him hold you. Give your burdens to Him and resume your day with a song.
“Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
It Won’t Be Long
“It won’t be long ’til we’ll be leaving here. It won’t be long we’ll be going Home.” ~Andrae Crouch
“Signs of the times are everywhere. There’s a brand new feeling in the air. Keep your eyes upon the Eastern sky. Lift up your head. Redemption draweth nigh.” ~Gordon Jensen
These are the songs going through my head this evening as I lie down to write. Many profess that Jesus is coming soon but few actually live as if they believe it. If Jesus were to return today, would you be ready? The fact is, even if He doesn’t return, you may go to Him.
“Oh can we say we are ready, Brother? Ready for the soul’s bright Home? Will Jesus find you and me still watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?” ~Fanny Crosby
O Say But I’m Glad
“O say but I’m glad. I’m glad. O say but I’m glad. Jesus has come and my cup’s overrun. O say but I’m glad.”
Tonight, I’m weary but my heart is overflowing. Another convention just ended and, once again, it’s neat to see God moving in people’s lives. I don’t think we’ll ever see the full impact but I praise Him that we at least see in part. Right now, seeing is what is producing the joy that makes me glad but I’m reminded that it’s important to hold on to that gladness even when I don’t see. When people seem to leave untouched, I must remind myself that God’s Word never returns void. He is always faithful.
I write these words now because I may need to refer back to them in the not too distant future but you may need to read them now. Don’t be weary in well doing. You WILL reap if you don’t faint. It’s God that brings the increase, not you. Your job is to be faithful. If you do that, He will be faithful. He cannot deny Himself. Take heart, dear friend, and ask God to fill your heart with gladness today.
CD Review: Breath of Life (Josh Oldaker)
Last year at the National Quartet Convention, I was catching a few showcases when this cowboy stepped on the stage. When he opened his mouth to sing, I was impressed with the confidence and strength with which he sang. It’s hard to know what category to put him in. He’s really in his own genre but a lot of his songs have a country feel. Some have a Pentecostal feel but all have a good message.
“Slow Dance More” reminds us of the important things in life. Don’t go through life focusing on the things that aren’t important.
“The Good Book and a Good Hook” is a different kind of song about a guy whose two favorite things was the Bible and fishing. When he died, a Bible and a fish were found lose to him, side by side.
Every southern gospel fan probably knows Gerald Crabb’s song, “Through the Fire.”
“Raymond” is just a neat story in song.
I’m not sure how to describe Josh’s rendition of “Power in the Blood.” It’s pretty traditional but with maybe a Pentecostal flare.
“Eyes of Mercy” is a cry for just that. “I can’t go on without Your love, Your sweet embrace, Your tender touch.”
I believe “Heal Me” is the song I saw Josh sing at NQC. The emotion and passion he puts into the song lets you know he desires everyone to receive the healing that only Christ can give. Healing goes beyond just physical healing. Many are going through life discouraged, defeated, and down trodden but Christ can grant the joy and victory each person needs to live the life He desires for them. “Wake my soul from its sleep and give me back the joy of when I first believed. Heal me.”
“Shine Your Light on Me” is an uptempo song asking that God be glorified.
Geron Davis wrote, “Send it on Down,” referring to the Holy Spirit.
I know some people got tired of “I Can Pray” when it was on the radio by the Dove Brothers but it continues to be one of my favorite songs. I don’t like the helpless feeling that arises at times when a friend is really sick or making bad decisions, etc. Sometimes I need to be reminded that I can pray. It is not just a formality. It is something that can move the heart of God and, even if God doesn’t change the situation, as the McKameys sing, “prayer changes me.”
“Jesus Paid My Debt” is a song of thanksgiving for everything Jesus has done for us.
“The Ones That Won’t Come Back” talks about the men who gave their lives for our freedom.
Congratulations to Josh on his upcoming wedding to Amanda Conrad. For more information on Josh and his ministry, visit his website.
An Exhortation to Encourage
Encouragement: Something everyone desires but many rarely receive. I’ve been blessed with some great friends who are great sources of encouragement but there are periods of time when life gets hectic and it’s easy to feel forgotten. Understanding how easy it is to feel that way, though, makes me want to encourage others.
A friend of mine was telling me the other day that he’s trying to write a note of encouragement to at least one person each day. What a worthy goal. If everyone began to do that, think how many people would be encouraged on a regular basis.
When was the last time someone gave you that encouraging word spoken at just the right time? How long has it been since you’ve taken the time to encourage another person? Purpose to encourage at least one person today. You won’t be sorry you did.
Thankful for God as My Father
I hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day. Whether you are a father, son or daughter, it’s nice to have a day to honor the fathers in our lives, whether biological, adoptive or honorary. As I awoke yesterday morning, I took some time to thank God for the wonderful father He’s been to me. Most of my life, I’ve not had an earthly father to turn to but God has been with me every step of the way, and I can’t thank Him enough for that.
I’m sure there are times my Father’s been frustrated with me or disappointed with choices I’ve made or the way I let other things so easily crowd out His voice, yet He continues to be there, calling me back, gently explaining where I’ve gone wrong and leading me down the right path. At times, I’ve felt His discipline but His correction is always good.
I’ve never felt so loved as I have by my Father and, although I don’t understand it, I’m so grateful He loves me as much as He does. I pray I will never fail to thank Him for being such a good God to me. I love Him so much!