God is Faithful
I’ve been reading Psalm 40. Truly a word fitly spoken in this season of my life. I love how God is faithful to bring the right Scriptures to mind when I need them.
Lately God has been encouraging my heart. My desire is to draw closer to Him than ever before. That’s why I’ve not posted much lately. I’m in a time of transition which keeps me very busy. I may not know what the future holds but I know who holds the future and, for that, I am very grateful.
Keep me in your prayers if you would. God has blessed me these past 40 years and I’m looking forward to seeing how He chooses to use me the rest of my life. Praying I’ll be faithful until I hear His words: “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” What a day, glorious day that will be!
Pondering God’s Love and Protection
Since my last post, I’ve turned a year older, traveled a lot more miles, and been very conscious of how much God’s hand is on me. That knowledge has made me even more grateful. I’m aware anew that God has a plan for my life. I may have lived over half my life at this point but He is still not done with me. Then again, He never will be until the day He calls me Home.
Life can be very stressful but I’m resting in the knowledge that my Father loves me. No matter what happens, He will never leave me. All I have to do is look to Him. I am so grateful to be His daughter. I look forward to seeing what the next several years of my life brings.
God is Still Faithful
The sun is shining and the weather is warmer, indicating that Spring may finally be here. As I write this, I have a cold–the first that I can remember in a long time. I’m grateful that I can open the window and let cool air in. I just don’t feel like doing anything.
I turn a year older next week and I am looking forward to that. It’s interesting looking back at the various seasons of life. Some memories bring tears, some bring laughter but, through it all, God has been faithful. He has faithfully kept me safe and never left me no matter how dark it seemed at times. If there’s anything I have learned through the years, it is that God always keeps His promises. He who has begun a good work in me will complete it. I am so thankful for that.
If you are going through a hard time, reach out to Jesus. I have no doubt that He is also reaching out to you.
Faithful Through Every Season
In many states, it seems people are still waiting for spring to arrive. I’m learning, however, to rejoice in every sunny day and, if the temperature is above 50, that is something to really be thankful for! I’m ready for winter to be over but to everything there is a season. Interestingly, across the country, some states are having flooding while some have drought. I wonder how God chooses where to send rain and where to withhold it.
Yesterday, we grabbed some food at Walmart and headed to a park to eat. Apparently most people aren’t doing that in 50-degree weather as we were the only ones there but I loved it: looking around at the luscious grass and the old trees which are still bare but are starting to get some buds.
It’s easy to complain about the weather but I know in no time at all, I will see trees full of leaves, grass that desperately needs mowed, swarms of mosquitoes, and I’ll wonder what happened.
Life is a lot like that. Full of ups and downs, sunshine and rain, fullness and barrenness. It goes so fast that I wonder where the time goes. What have I accomplished with my almost 40 years of life? When my life is over, will my Heavenly Father see that I occupied until He called me Home or will He point out all the times I’ve complained instead? I pray the former. No matter what happens, I have a Father who loves me. He controls every season in the earth and every season in my life. I would not be where I am today if not for Him. May I keep pressing on full of love and faith.
Sunday Morning Ramblings
I I can’t believe it’s been 10 days since I’ve made a post. Sometimes life moves too quickly that it’s hard to keep up with it. As I write this the trees are still bare but the sun is shining making it a beautiful day. I look forward to hearing what God desires to speak to me. Seems I’ve been too busy to stop and listen lately but that’s too busy. I need to remedy that and plan to do so.
News of bombings and explosions make me more grateful for God’s hand of protection on my family and me. God, help me to never take that for granted. May i live each day as if it were my last. One day it will be.
I pray you find yourself rejoicing and truly worshipping God with every fibre of your being today. He is so worthy and deserving of our all.
How About Your Heart?
“How about your heart? Is it right with God? That’s the thing that counts today.” I often find myself singing James Blackwood’s signature song, and I ask myself, “How is my heart? Is it right with God?” I am so grateful that God knows my heart. This could be a great or a scary thing but I hope He sees my heart toward Him so that, even when I make mistakes, He knows it wasn’t willful. I hope I never get to the point where I think I know better than God. I see many people who act that way and there is great danger in doing so.
God is merciful. His mercies are new every morning, but He is also a God of justice. He is a God who will punish disobedience. Human nature doesn’t want to obey. We want to do what we want to do but God knows what we don’t. He requires obedience for a reason. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Will He see faith in me when He returns? I certainly hope so.
Although the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, I ask God to search me and try me and see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. I do this in fear and trembling as I may not like what God reveals. I can be pretty strong-willed myself but, at the end of the day, nothing matters but knowing that my Lord is satisfied with me.
Thank You, Father, for Your love which continues to reach out showing me that straight and narrow path so that I don’t wander. Please let me know if my heart is not 100% right with You. Amen.
CD Review: Just Passing Thru (The Edwards Family)
The Edwards Family recently released another great CD.
The title track, Just Passing Through, is a great reminder that this world is not our Home. If you’re a child of God, you’re just passing through.
Whiter Than Snow is a testimony of a Believer who has been saved and washed whiter than snow.
The Old Fashioned Way talks about how churches have changed. It’s hard to find churches which still emphasize prayer, repentance and Bible reading.
Do you ever think about where God brought you from? It’s those memories that make me say, I Think I’ll Just Go With God. “With Him, there is joy and blessings untold.” How could you choose any other path?
A great reminder in song is God Saves Old Sinners. I’m so glad He still does!
Kyla Rowland wrote four songs on this project. But I Met a Nazarene is one of them. “All I can say is I had no hope but I met a Nazarene.” Is that your testimony? I remember the days of no hope. I’m so grateful I met this Nazarene.
He’s Alive is another great song of hope and victory.
The Rock of Ages also tells the story of the death and resurrection of our Savior.
“I may never visit where He died but I’m Going Where He Lives.” I’m so looking forward to that day!
I love the song, Did I Mention, another Kyla Rowland song. “Did I mention He’s been faithful to every promise He ever made me? I love Him. That’s all I want to say.”
Most of the songs on this CD are slow to medium tempo but I’m Learning How to Lean picks up the tempo a bit. I’ve been walking with God for over 20 years but I feel at times like I’m still learning how to lean on Him completely.
I think the perfect ending to a CD which focuses on salvation and redemption is I Want to Stroll Over Heaven With You.
Dwelling on God
I find myself still reflecting after this past weekend, thinking about God and His immense love and care for me. I find myself wanting even more to sit in His presence or to worship Him. My requests which once seemed important now seem so small in the enormous scheme of things. God knows my needs before I ever ask but it’s as I seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness that everything else will fall into place. Why does it take so long to learn that?
The more I hunger and thirst for righteousness, God has promised I will be filled. I pray that He continues to change my heart until His will becomes my will. I also pray this resolve doesn’t leave just because Resurrection weekend is over and gone. God is alive all year long and everything I do needs to proclaim that message. God, help me to be faithful!
Hearing and Obeying
I do a lot of reflecting this time of year. Thinking about what Christ did for me and evaluating my life in light of His to see where I’m failing. Up against that mirror, I’m failing quite a bit. It’s these times when I’m especially thankful that His mercies are new every morning. It’s never too late to begin to live a life that pleases Him. If you are truly walking with God, your life will be a continual life of growth. If you stop growing, you’re dead. If not literally, then spiritually, and that’s worse.
I hope I never stop listening but the flip side of listening is obeying. Scripture says, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” If you notice how much God talks about sacrifice, it brings perspective as to how important obedience is. As we draw nearer to Christ’s return, it’s even more vital that we learn to hear His voice. He knows what He’s talking about.
Don’t treat Easter as just another holiday. Take time to really reflect on Christ and everything that He did for you during His death and resurrection. Think about how you’re living. Is your life pleasing to Him? He created you for a purpose. Make sure you’re fulfilling that purpose. Then shine for Him. You’ll not be disappointed.
Reflecting During a Moment of Rest
Now that the calendar tells me it’s spring and we’re getting a slight reprieve from the snow, I’m making myself take walks again. I just finished what I estimate to be a 2-mile walk, and I am tired! As I sit here, my mind is going in a million directions: things I need to do, people I need to pray for, things I’m concerned about, etc. I don’t feel like doing anything about any of it…well, I take that back…I do feel up to praying, even in my weakened state. After all, it’s in my weakness that God often proves Himself the strongest.
When I’m down is when the smallest thing seems like a mountain but I consciously remind myself that I know the Maker of those mountains and He can just as easily move them out of my way or give me strength to climb them. Whichever He decides, I trust Him because He also made me and knows what is best for me. He won’t ask me to do anything that He won’t also enable me to do.
With that thought, I pick myself up and strive to accomplish a few more things before caving in to my desire to get under the warm covers. (I said we’re not getting snow right now but it is still a bit chilly.)
Thank You, Lord, for taking care of me. Thank You for loving me and for walking beside me each moment. Thank You for the strength You give. May I never cease to praise You for Your unmerited goodness to me.