Six Years and Counting
Six years ago today, I uploaded my first post on Southern Gospel World. How excited I was! I wanted a place to review CDs for the groups I love, as well as to share what God is doing in my life and what He is teaching me. I have really enjoyed this outlet, and I am thankful for each of you who read my blog each day.
I realize I don’t post as often as I should. I hope to change that, but sometimes I feel like I become redundant. If you read my writings for any length of time, you will quickly learn the topics that are the most burning on my mind. Only occasionally do I come up with something new. Because of that, I prefer to wait and write when I am really inspired, instead of to just writing for the sake of making posts. If you get tired of checking my page to find I’ve not written anything new, take some time to read my old posts. And be sure to subscribe so that you will be notified when I have posted something new.
My prayer for this coming year is that we all continue to grow in the knowledge and the grace of our Lord. May we see others as He sees them, walking in mercy but willing to speak as He leads, in the hopes of drawing others closer to Him. This is our purpose and I, for one, want to be faithful.
The Statesmen Are Back!
Back in the 1960s, I don’t think there was a quartet as lively as The Statesmen Quartet with Hovie Lister. They were before my time, but I love watching the old videos of Jake ‘s expressions and Hovie’s exciting piano playing. They took Southern Gospel Music to a whole new level and left quite a legacy.
AG Publicity announced today that The Statesmen Quartet is making a come back. The members of the original group are no longer around; however, Hovie Walker (who was named after Hovie Lister) is putting together a group, which he says will have the “same class and quality of sound” as the old Statesmen that everyone loved.
The group will consist of Hovie Walker singing bass, Deon Unthank singing baritone, and Wallace Nelms singing tenor. They are currently taking auditions for a lead. If you are interested in auditioning, you may email Hovie at
CD Review: Mile Marker One (Zane and Donna King)
Zane and Donna King do not have voices that I would have put together in a duet, but they found a way to blend their musical styles and voices that really works.
The only song on this CD that was not written or co-written by Zane and/or Donna is the hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness, which starts the CD.
The CD continues with that same theme in a song titled No One Like God.
I first heard Keep Me in Your Will when Jessica King sang it a number of years ago. I did not realize until this CD that Zane King co-wrote that song. It continues to be one of my favorites, and Zane and Donna do a great job on it.
Donna sings the uptempo Shine. “When things get too tough to handle, just shine.”
Nothing Without You is self-explanatory.
If There Was Any Other Way talks about God’s heart toward those who are suffering and hurting. Although there are times you must walk through dark valleys, God is still there holding your hand.
Hallelujah Jesus Saves has a fun tune that you will enjoy singing along with.
Anything reminds us that nothing is too hard for God.
When love finds the lonely, when sweet prayers are spoken and tears are washed away, and when He hears “Jesus loves me” from the lips of a little child … these are the moments When God Smiles.
How Does It Feel to Be Home was written in memory of Norman Holland, the former vice president of A&R at Daywind Records. Although we miss those who have gone before, we would not wish them back.
The CD ends as it began: with the Postlude: Oh Tu Fidelidad/Great is Thy Faithfulness.
Read God’s Word
It has been a while since I have even attempted to read through the Bible in a year. This year, I am doing just that, along with my regular Bible reading (reading through more slowly) and a Bible study.
This has me going through five different sections of Scripture at present. I thought it could be a bit overwhelming but, so far, I am enjoying it. Each portion is different from each other and yet each serves a purpose.
I don’t know if I will do this every year. I’ll have to see how this year goes but, for this year, I am looking forward to seeing what God speaks to me, as I draw near to Him and ask Him to show me the way I should go and to help me to be faithful. This continues to be my constant prayer.
You may not have the time to read as much Scripture as I hope to this year, but I encourage you to read at least some Scripture every day. Even if it’s one verse that you meditate on each day, it will not return void.
Psalm 119:11 says, “Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (emphasis mine). Although sin is sometimes pleasurable for a season, it is the pure in heart that shall see God (Matthew 5:8).
Won’t you take time to read God’s Word today?
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8, emphasis added).
As I was reading the Beatitudes the other day, this verse especially jumped out at me. It seems like the verses on purity and holiness are the least-quoted verses any more, but I am challenged by this verse.
I wonder how many people on earth are truly pure in heart. It is a rare person who doesn’t at least struggle with lust, jealously, anger, etc. Yet, these are some of the things that can keep us from seeing God.
Despite popular belief, we have no reason to be proud. We should be constantly asking God to search us and try us and show us those impure thoughts and motives. We should be daily drawing closer to Him and becoming more and more like Him.
I don’t know about you, but I want to be blessed. I want to see God. I want to be pure so that I don’t stand before Him full of shame and disgrace. I want to hear Him say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” I expect that I will be more aware than ever before of how holy He is and how wretched I am. But I praise Him that He saved a wretch like me, and I will continue singing, “More like the Master I will ever be. More of His meekness, more humility. More zeal to labor, more courage to be true. More consecration for work He bids me do.
Happy New Year 2016!
Once again, another year has come to an end … and much too quickly, I might add. It never ceases to amaze me how fast the years go by the older I get. It’s very possible that I have lived more than half my life already, but I still feel like there is much God desires to do through me yet. There must be, or I would not still be alive.
The blessings of 2015 outweighed the trials, for which I am very grateful. Sure, there were little things that came up, some stresses that I did not want to go through, but if I am honest, they were really pretty small compared to what so many are going through.
Usually I would have taken the last week or two to pray and focus on what God desires to speak to me concerning my future, character, etc. Things have been hectic here so, although I have prayed about it some, I have not had enough time to really listen to my Father’s voice. I hope to do so next week.
What I do know is that my ultimate calling is to be faithful. Until He shows me otherwise, I plan to continue doing what I have been doing to serve Him, while praying to be open to whatever changes He desires me to make. This is not always easy, but I know it is necessary.
Some friends got me a devotional journal, and I am looking forward to using that this year. I believe it will be the perfect tool to help me slow down and listen.
It seems most people have done away with New Year’s Resolutions, but I would encourage you to not give up on resolutions altogether. Sure, you don’t want to make promises that you will inevitably break, but we should be willing to ask God to search us and try us and show us the areas of our lives that need to go and then fight the good fight to get rid of those things. It may seem hopeless but, with God, all things are possible.
My prayer for the coming year is that it be filled with joy unspeakable, and strength for each trial. May that be your testimony as well!
Preparing for Jesus’ Coming
I wonder what it was like to live before Jesus was born. The prophets had foretold His birth and encouraged people to be ready, but I wonder how many took the prophecy seriously. Maybe it seemed like one of those tales they had heard their whole lives so, even if it would become true some day, it most likely wouldn’t be in their lifetime.
I expect that people then were very much like they are today. The difference is that, today, we know He came. He lived, He died, He rose. But He also promised to come again! Are we watching, making sure that we are ready for His return? Or we are going through life with a vague recollection that He said He would return, but it probably won’t be for a long time yet?
Although that may be true, we need to live as if He were coming today. So many missed His first coming. I do not want to be among those who are not ready for Jesus’ second coming.
As you celebrate this week, think about how much we truly have to celebrate. God so loved you that He gave His Son, and one day, we will get to see Him face to face. Lord, hasten that day!
Thinking of LaBreeska Hemphill
Probably the second song I ever sang in public was “He’s Still Working on Me,” made popular by The Hemphills back in the 1980s. This group (consisting of Joel and LaBreeska Hemphill and their children: Joey, Trent, and Candy) became one of my favorites but, unfortunately, they disbanded before I had the opportunity to see them in person.
I was sad to hear of LaBreeska’s Homegoing this week, but I’ve no doubt she is with the Savior she sang about for a lot of years. LaBreeska was one of the classy ladies of our genre, as well as a great singer. Her song, “An Unfinished Task,” is one I sing from time to time as a prayer to the Lord. I share it here to give you something to ponder the next several weeks. Is there something God has called you to do which you are procrastinating about? Tomorrow is not promised. Today is the day to serve God wholeheartedly so that, when He calls you Home, you know you have run the race and kept the faith and are now ready to see Him.
Focus on Jesus
Happy December! I trust you had a great Thanksgiving and are continuing to count your blessings. There are some things trying to bring me down right now but I am still very blessed. I know the enemy is just trying to make me lose sight of that. One problem with writing is that I am often tested on the very things I write about, but this does not make the words less true.
I know many people deal with depression this time of year. If you are one of those, I want to encourage you to fill your mind with things that are pure, true, lovely, of good report, etc. It is easy to lose sight of those things, but it is often when we take our eyes off of Jesus and everything He has done for us that the weight of the world begins to overwhelm. Sometimes feelings of oppression, anxiety, etc. are simply reminders to draw near to Him. I definitely feel the difference when I allow the busyness of life to keep me from quality time with my Father. I hate that feeling, so I make more effort to stay close to Him.
Even now, I feel my Savior calling me to spend some time with Him while it’s quiet. Therefore, I must go, but I will write again soon. Be blessed, dear Brothers and Sisters, and remember that it will be worth it all.
Love Thy Neighbor
The pastor commented yesterday on how he had more friends when he was in the world than he did in the church. I remember an unsaved friend telling me the same thing. She preferred hanging out with prostitutes and people who did drugs, because they were “loving and accepting.”
I realize that is a cop out, but there is some truth to that. Unbelievers often treat their “friends” better than Christians do. It seems we forget the greatest commandment: love.
I feel bad that “What would Jesus do?” was a fad, because that is a question we should ask ourselves. Are we responding to others the way Jesus would?
I am not of the belief that Christians should not “judge,” but there is a difference between acknowledging that someone is sinning and actually being judgmental. As humans, it is easy to look down upon those living in sin instead of realizing that, but for the grace of God, that could be me! Even in the Church, people tend to gossip about others instead of going to them and challenging them to keep walking with God. This is not really love for others. It is more focusing on others’ sin in order to get the focus off of your own.
God did not save you because you are a good person. If you are truly saved, it is more than likely because you saw your need and knew that you were wretched without God. Don’t lose sight of that. No one is hopeless, but I believe many have been turned off due to the lack of love they see in those who claim to love God. As John asks us, though, how can we love God when we don’t love our Brothers and Sisters (1 John 4:20)? And I would add, how can we love God when we don’t love everyone that He died to save?
True love is carrying a burden for those who are hell bound. It is interceding for them and being willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus when necessary. There are a lot of hard hearts in the world, but I’m convinced that there are still many who will respond to love.
Love is also seeing the needs of your Brothers and Sisters and looking for ways to lift their burdens. It’s taking time to listen to their struggles when you would rather be doing anything else.
I work with Christians, so I am not around unbelievers that much. I am also not good with words, except on paper, so I struggle to walk up to someone I don’t know and begin a conversation. But I hope I am never too busy to share a kind word or a smile, to recognize a need when there is one and be willing to fill that need. I pray that, every time I walk out my door, people see Jesus in me. This time of year, especially, people are hurting, and they need hope. Don’t neglect to show God’s love wherever He opens the door for you to do so.
I also hope I am never too busy or preoccupied with my own struggles to be available for a Brother or Sister in need. Jesus was constantly giving, and we need to be willing to do so too.