Dwelling in the House of the Lord

One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple. ~Psalm 27:4

Have you ever wondered what it means to “dwell in the house of the Lord”? In the above verse, the psalmist is not only wanting to experience it but he wants to dwell there all the days of my life.” Today, we would probably think of the house of the Lord as being a church building; however, the average person does not live there. It is just a place that we visit a few times a week at most. I believe the answer comes in Jesus’ words in Luke 17:21 where He says, “Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” I desire to dwell in God’s presence–His Kingdom–24/7 all the days of my life … and beyond!

If you want to be nitpicky, you may remind me that we are always in God’s presence, and I do not argue that point. However, there is a difference between God watching everything we do and actually walking beside us, having fellowship with us, and directing us. I want to be aware of God’s presence–not just mentally but tangibly.

When you dwell in God’s presence, there is also a peace and a joy that cannot be explained. It is not only something you feel and experience but it is something that radiates to those around you. Just as bad attitudes are catchy, joy can also be catchy. It’s hard to be in too foul a mood when those around you are rejoicing.

It is easy to become focused on self and circumstances. I understand that. But I don’t want to stay there. One of my favorite hymns says:

Lord, lift me up and let me stand
By faith on Heaven’s tableland
A higher plane than I have found
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground

Do I hear an Amen?!

In the Valley … He Restoreth My Soul

For a while now, I have been singing this song that Dottie Rambo wrote but, at the time, I wasn’t going through a valley. It is just the song that God kept bringing to my mind. Today, I find myself going through a minor trial, and I am once again focusing on the words of this song and thanking God that He is near.

I would like to be able to tell you that I am continuously rejoicing and fully resting in God’s will for my life but I confess this is still a process. I do believe that I have made progress in the last 20 years or so but the work is not completed, and I expect that this is one reason that I keep going through these things.

They say that trials can make you bitter or better. I understand this as, with each trial that comes my way, I have a choice: Do I let God handle it and trust Him to work it out, or do I lean on my own understanding and fight my way out, convinced that I could do a better job than He seems able to do? Giving up control can be difficult and yet God has shown me time and time again how much He loves me. If this is true, why would I not surrender every part of my life to Him? After all, as Dottie also said, “He ain’t never done me nothin’ but good.”

I don’t know what you’re going through right now but I encourage you to give it to Jesus. Maybe you’re being slandered, or you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, or you’re going through a debilitating illness … you are not alone. God is waiting for you to turn to Him. He may not change your situation but He will carry you through it. I would much rather walk with God through the valleys than walk on the mountaintop alone. How about you?


Photo by Kevin on Unsplash

CD Review: Noah Believed (Buddy Davis)

If you have never heard Buddy Davis, you are missing out. I think of his music as being for children, but I have enjoyed listening to this CD before I give it to my 9-year-old nephew who is a HUGE Buddy Davis fan.

This CD includes 12 songs written by Mr. Davis–all on the topic of Noah and the Ark. They are Biblical, some are witty, telling the story in music. The other day, my 3-year-old niece was a little grouchy so I brought her in with me and we sat and listened to this CD. Whenever a song would end, she would ask for another. If you have young children or grandchildren, or if you are just in a mood for something different, I highly recommend this.

Songs included are: The Lord Himself Will Shut the Door; The Global Flood Really Happened; Forty Days and Forty Nights; Animal Kinds; Inside the Ark, We’re Safe; Noah’s Ark Fever; The Earth Is Dry; My Raven Won’t Come Back; Floating Zoo; Noah Believed; The Wonder of a Rainbow; and Come to the Ark.

Just Do It

Back in January, I was visiting my aunt, and we were talking about how easy it is to not reach out to others because you don’t know what to say and you don’t want to look stupid. I find that it doesn’t take much to paralyze me in regards to helping others if I think too much about it. I worry that I’ll do something wrong or they won’t appreciate my attempt. My aunt encouraged me to not be afraid to do even little things since they may mean more than I realize. I expect this will continue to be a process but there is wisdom in her words, and I want to pass that on to you.

Colossians 3:23 tells us, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men.” I think this is what we lose sight of. This actually hit me years ago when I was thinking way too much about my actions that I let opportunities pass me by. I finally realized that, if my focus is on God and my desire is to please Him, I don’t need to worry so much about what others think.

I expect this is going to be a long process of learning this lesson but it is one I pray to achieve, and I would like to encourage you to as well. Don’t let insecurity keep you from being a blessing to others. Pray for a sensitivity to the Spirit, a heart of humility, and a willingness to serve. I anticipate that God will answer those prayers, and people will be drawn closer to the Lord through our obedience.

A Tribute to Grandma

My grandma isn’t well known. In fact you may be wondering why I would write a tribute to her when I typically feature Southern Gospel artists. Well, as with parents, grandparents can help to contribute to how a person turns out. They can pass along their interests and other genes which help to form our young and, ultimately, old lives.

I didn’t know my grandparents before they came to know the Lord but I heard that the difference was night and day. Whereas they would play and sing in night clubs before, they chose to only sing in churches after they were saved. They would sell their records for $5 or “whatever you can afford.”

Grandma was young when I was born so she would play ball with my brother and me, take us for ice cream, do typical grandma things, but she would also encourage me to obey my mom, honor the Lord, etc. She wanted to be a positive influence in my life.

For the first 17 years of my life, we didn’t live close but, when we would visit, I spent every moment I could with Grandma. I would go with her to “help” make the church breakfast, fold bulletins, run errands … whatever Grandma was doing, there was I in the midst of it. Whenever she sat down, I was on her lap before she could get comfortable.

When we moved closer to my grandparents, Grandma would drive a couple hours to help us with a collating project. She was a quick collater too.

A number of years ago, we began to suspect that Grandma had dementia. It began to get worse and worse until we could no longer ignore the fact. We also knew that it was becoming more than Grandpa could handle on his own. So in 2017, we made the difficult decision to move our grandparents to Arizona where their daughter and grandson could care for them. We no longer saw them on a weekly basis but we were able to visit them twice, the most recent visit being in January. I will always be thankful for our time together as Grandma joined me in singing for the last time. We spent a lot of time together and, in spite of her not feeling well, she hadn’t lost her sense of humor.

We buried Grandma on Good Friday. I dreaded that day for so long but God’s grace truly was amazing. I have no doubt that my grandma is in Heaven. My aunt asked if I would sing at her funeral, and God gave me strength to do so with my brother accompanying me on guitar and vocals. I’m thankful for the promise that, if I remain faithful to the Lord, I will see her again. I greatly look forward to that reunion!

The Best Gift

I am not a Barbara Streisand fan, but I grew up listening to her Christmas album. On that record, she included a song titled “The Best Gift” in which she goes on to describe the best gift that she ever got. At the end, she reveals that this gift was “a tiny newborn child.” (If you need me to explain what a record is, let me know.) 😉

Although I have received a lot of nice gifts in my 45 3/4 years of life, the best gift I ever received was the gift of salvation, made possible by Jesus Christ coming to earth and being willing to die a horrendous death on a cross. If you have never studied crucifixion and why it was the Roman’s choice of death, I encourage you to do so. It isn’t a pleasant study but it makes Jesus’ death even more meaningful. It wasn’t like a lethal injection where you die in a matter of minutes. Rather, it was a form of torture in which criminals died a slow, painful, suffocating death.

I realize that it’s not even Palm Sunday yet but I think it’s a good time to begin to think of Christ’s sacrifice, to thank Him for choosing us to be His children, and to ask Him how we can serve Him better.

I started this back in December around Christmastime but I think it’s perfect timing to finish it now. If you take communion in the next few weeks, don’t do it out of routine. Really think about the event that you are commemorating. Picture Jesus on the cross, beaten beyond recognition, blood streaming down His body, looking at you. Then think of the things you allow in your life that is the equivalent of spitting in His face. God’s grace is not cheap. It cost Christ a lot. How can we be so selfish as to not give Him every part of our lives?

Dave Kyllonen Passed Away

  • March 20, 2019 at 7:26 pm in

I found out today that Dave Kyllonen, formerly of the Couriers, has gone Home to be with Jesus. Growing up in Maryland, the Couriers were popular on the one southern gospel station I could get but I only saw them one time outside of NQC, and that was a number of years ago in my current state of Michigan. I appreciated how the group never lost their focus.

My heart goes out to Dave’s friends and family. Please keep them in your prayers.

CD Review: Our Story (Three Bridges)

I’m old enough to remember when Three Bridges first hit the radio and, to be honest, I didn’t care for their sound. Today, the group consists of original member Elliott McCoy, as well as Shannon Smith and Jeremie Hudson, and I am starting to enjoy listening to them.

Although most of their songs are progressive or have more of a black gospel feel, Down the Road to Damascus is the kind of song you would expect to find on a traditional Southern Gospel CD.

I like the message of Like Jesus Did as it talks about the desire to be more like Christ.

Faith Shines Brighter tells the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Live the Gospel is another song with great lyrics.

Other songs include: Count It Victory, My Story, Good News Never Gets Old, God Did It, Nothing But, Gonna Keep Livin’ and The King of Love My Shepherd Is.



For the Broken

Last year, my most-read post was one I wrote in 2014 titled “I’ve Been Broken (but I’ve Been Blessed).” Broken people are not just out in the world somewhere; they are also in the Church. The fact that a post from 4 1/2 years ago is still my post popular proves that fact.

I think of the old song that said:

He never said you’d only see sunshine
He never said there’d be no rain
He only promised a heart full of singing
And at the very things that once brought pain

(from the song Give Them All to Jesus written by Phillip Johnson & Bob Benson, Sr.)

I don’t actually remember a verse where God promised that, but I do know from experience that He often grants that. It’s when we trust Him in the bad times that we realize as Henry and Hazel Slaughter sang that we “don’t need to understand; we just need to hold His hand.” That is where true joy comes from, along with the peace that passes all understanding.

I wasn’t thinking of this when I started this post but, in closing, I would like to ask prayer for fellow blogger David Bruce Murray whose father passed away on Saturday. The funeral is tomorrow (Tuesday). I’m thankful that I have not yet experienced the loss of a parent but I can imagine how heartbreaking that must be. And yet, what a blessing to know that we will be reunited one day with those who love Jesus. David is the founder of Music Scribe, where I write a Sunday devotional when I’m able. He’s been supportive of my writing and some of my other business ventures, and my heart goes out to him and his family during this difficult time.


What Is Worship?

Several months ago, someone suggested that I do a word study on praise vs. worship since I use the two interchangeably when, in fact, they are two different things. I appreciated the gentle admonition so, although it’s taken a while, I am finally sitting down to do that and am sharing my findings with you.

Dictionary.com defines “praise” as:

1. the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation
2. the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship (emphasis mine).

“Worship” is described as:

1. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred
formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage 

I often call “praise” worship but worship encompasses much more than verbal praise. Everything you do should be worship.

John 4:23 tells us that “the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.”

I think it is safe to say that the people or things that you idolize is who or what you worship. This is why Jesus told Satan, “For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve’” (Matthew 4:10). God is a jealous God, and He will not share His glory with anyone else.

Today I want to encourage you to “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2).

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash.
