Fight Your Battle Righteously
I was reminded yesterday how it’s the people who are dedicated and determined to serve the Lord who satan is going to attack the fiercest. Jesus told us to rejoice when we are persecuted for doing well. It’s hard to embrace tribulation and persecution but in order to be the strong, victorious Christians God called us to be, we need to stand strong instead of crumbling when life begins to get rough.
In order for our trials to accomplish God’s purposes, we need to constantly examine ourselves in light of God’s Word and ask God to help us respond to life’s situations in a way that pleases Him. We may have “reasons” to be stressed, angry, fearful, etc. but God’s Word warns against these things. I’m still learning how to walk righteously in the midst of trials but I’m asking God to help me do so. No matter what satan throws at me, it’s imperative that I not give in to sin. We’ve been equipped with armor to fight the good fight and we have the most powerful captain who will guide us and help us win the battle if we heed His commands.
If you find yourself facing immense trials this week, get in the Word, spend more time singing and drawing near to God. You may ask God to remove the trial but position yourself to fight the battle righteously if He doesn’t.
Destination Known–Is Yours?
Yesterday morning, I put in Legacy Five’s latest CD, pushed play and, as tears began to form, I listened to them sing “Destination Known.” It’s one of my newer favorite songs at present. I’m so thankful that my destination is a place where my Father’s arms are waiting for me.
My grandparents sang a song which said, “Do you know where you’re going? Has it all been worthwhile? Can you face each tomorrow wearing a smile?” A lot to think about, isn’t it. As the old saying goes, “If you’re happy, tell your face.” If your destination is Heaven, it should show.
My heart goes out to those who don’t know where they’re going or, worse yet, those who know their destination is not Heaven. We are all going to live forever. The question is: where will you live?
Be Courageous
I finally watched Courageous this evening–the movie in which men resolve to be true men of God. It’s an excellent film and one I highly recommend.
As I watched the men on the movie, I began to think about the Promise Keepers movement and the thousands of men who went to meetings and made similar resolutions. I wonder where those men are today. One thing that was brought out in the movie is that it’s easy to feel faith for decisions when not facing the challenges and trials of life. It’s when the hard times come that we must rely on God’s strength to stand firm in what He’s called us to do.
Although the movie focused on men, women need to hit this place too, where nothing matters but being the women God created us to be. As we draw near to God, He will help us do this. So many have a hard time seeing anything but their failures but God is in the business of redemption. Even if you’ve not been the mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son or friend that God has called you to be, it’s never too late to start anew. You won’t get it right 100% of the time when you start but each time you ask God for help, you’ll move a little further down the road until everyone around you will notice the change. In time, you will be able to mentor others which could be the beginning of Revival.
Lord, help us all to be Courageous in our stand for You.
My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me
I think God’s protection is one of the most common things that people forget to thank God for. Sure, we thank Him when we barely escape getting hit with a car or when we slip on ice and aren’t majorly hurt but I wonder how many thank God on a daily basis for the fact that He kept them another day, that He protected them from getting hurt. The fact is, each day we survive without a mishap, it is a gift from God. There are so many things which could harm us but it is God who sends His angels to cover us so that we are not hurt.
Whenever I pray for my family to arrive home safely, I’ve gotten into the habit of thanking Him when He answers. As much as we travel, I know it’s His covering that’s keeps us from being in accidents. I don’t take that for granted. Beyond that, though, I plan to start consciously thanking Him at the end of each day that He protected us from harm. I may not see the ways I could have been harmed but I know they’re there and I praise Him that nothing can touch me without His permission. He is such a faithful Father.
We Serve a Good God
This week, I’ve been having trouble with my back but, once again, I can see God’s hand at work. I think that’s the key to being able to praise Him in the midst of trouble and trials. Things could always be worse. In my case, I’ve had times in the past where it’s been agony to walk. That’s not been the case this time, and I’ve no doubt God’s hand intervened before it got to that point. It’s hard to stand or sit too long but I can walk and, the last couple nights, I’ve been able to sleep. Yes, we serve a good God.
I realize so many trials we face are more difficult than physical pain but I can almost guarantee you that, no matter what your trial, it could be much worse and, if that’s the case, you have so much to be thankful for. If life is dark to the point that you can’t see that ray of light, ask God to open your eyes. He is your guiding Light. He knows the purpose for your storm. Your job is simply to trust Him.
When your focus is on your surroundings and your circumstances, it can seem impossible to “Rejoice evermore” and “In everything give thanks” but, when your eyes are on Jesus, you will find yourself praising Him before you realize it. When you see His glory, you don’t see or feel anything else. You find what it means to walk through the fire that doesn’t harm you. You can finally walk on top of the water instead of sinking. It’s still there but it doesn’t matter because Jesus is with you and you’re happy to be anywhere that He is.
Brothers and Sisters, life is hard but we serve a God who is all the time so very good. Don’t let a day go by without taking time to praise Him for His goodness.
Born to Serve the Lord
Last week, I reviewed Smoky Mountain Reunion’s CD, “Born to Serve the Lord.” Since then, I’ve been singing the title track. Have you ever truly thought about the fact that you were born to serve the Lord?
It’s interesting how perfectly God designed the human body. For those of us who have functioning eyes, hands, feet, mouth and ears, there’s no reason we can’t serve Him with our whole being. For those born without some of those body parts, they are no less important. God gives each person the senses he or she needs to serve Him.
Many times, we let perceived inadequacies keep us from trying but each person has a calling and a gift. If you’re a child of God, it is your responsibility to find those things in your life and to use them. Don’t let the lies of the enemy win out.
I’m partly speaking to myself here. It’s easy to see the things I can’t do but I’m striving to focus on what I can do. If God’s called you to something, He will equip you to do it. Your job is to move forward in faith and say, “Here am I, Lord, send me.” If you mean it, the words will barely escape your lips when you will find yourself bearing more fruit than ever before. That, my friend, is fulfilling your purpose.
The Pure in Heart Shall See God
If you’ve watched Bill Gaither’s Homecoming videos, you’ve no doubt heard Jesse Dixon sing “Highway to Heaven.” This morning, I was singing that song when the line jumped out at me: “None shall walk up there but the pure in heart.” This is Scriptural as Matthew 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”
The importance of purity is something we don’t hear much about in today’s churches. It goes along with righteousness and holiness. Without these things, we cannot see God. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
No matter what anyone says, holiness and purity are not optional and the fact is, if you’re not pure in heart, you’re not pure. You may be able to refrain from impure acts but it must be reality in your heart and in your thought life for it to be reality in your life.
You can sing about the “Highway to Heaven” all you want but, if you’re not living a life that God can bless, it’s merely a song and not your reality.
CD Review: Born to Serve the Lord (Archie Watkins and Smoky Mountain Reunion)
When I first started listening to southern gospel music, I loved hearing the Inspirations, at the time consisting vocally of Archie Watkins, Troy Burns, Eddie Deitz, and Mike Holcomb. (Well, Eddie wasn’t actually with the group at the time but the radio station still played songs where he was featured.) Archie, Troy and Eddie have recently reunited with Jack Laws and Marlin Shubert (also former Inspirations members) to form Archie Watkins and Smoky Mountain Reunion.
The song begins with the title track, “Born to Serve the Lord.” I love this song as it’s a reminder that God created me for a purpose–to serve Him.
Next is a song all southern gospel fans should know, “Just a Little Talk With Jesus.”
I like all the songs on this project but there are several I especially like, one of which is “Bucket at the Well” which features Eddie Deitz and depicts God’s grace and forgiveness in a way that one can picture so vividly. I’ve been a fan of Eddie’s for about 25 years and I’m so glad he’s back on the road. He’s on the list of people I really hope to meet this side of Heaven.
Troy Burns sings “Your Tears are Touching God.” I tend to think of tears as a sign of weakness and maybe they are but it’s that weakness that often brings us to place of brokenness and surrender. That’s what God is looking for.
Jack Laws sings “Family Bible.”
“Bound for That City” is a mid-tempo song with an Inspirations feel to it. Quartet fans will enjoy it as it features the tenor and bass.
I first saw Troy Burns sing “Jesus is Coming Soon” in 2010 at the Primitive Quartet’s Hominy Valley Singing. He sings as one who believes what he’s singing. Sometimes I think faster songs go by so quickly people miss the meaning. However, the truth is that Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?
Eddie sings “The Next Step” which is a great follow-up to “Jesus is Coming Soon.” “The next touch you feel, He could be blessing your soul.” Are you shouting yet?
Marlin Shubert sings “Must I Go and Empty Handed?”
Troy does a great job on “How Great Thou Art” and hits probably the highest note I’ve heard him hit.
This is one CD I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of.
CD Review: Family Ties (Wilburn & Wilburn)
One of the most talked about new groups in southern gospel music last year was Wilburn & Wilburn. Most southern gospel fans will remember Jonathan Wilburn from his days with the Wilburns and Gold City but he is now singing with his son, Jordan to produce one of the greatest sounding duos I’ve heard in a long time.
“It’s a Shore Thing” is a well-written song using sailing terms to talk about the surety of our arrival on Heaven’s shore.
Jordan sings “Jesus Will,” reminding us of all the things Jesus will do for us if we will look to Him. “When nobody else understands how you feel, Jesus will.” Isn’t that wonderful?
“Devil Be Gone” reminds the devil that we serve a God who’s greater and we’ve got no time for the devil’s tactics. An uptempo song which puts satan in his place.
Jonathan Wilburn sings a song of thanks to his “Mama.”
“You’ll Still Be There” has a bluegrass feel which showcases the talent these men have. With the variety of songs, there should be something to please everyone on this recording.
“A Cross Became My Saving Grace” needs no description but would be a great single.
“I John” is a fun song with Jordan singing the lead in the beginning. Then Jordan and Jonathan take turns toward the end. They added some vocalists to this one including a bass singer. I bet this is fun in concert.
“Things I’ve Never Done” is an uptempo song featuring Jonathan.
Next is the title song, “Family Ties.”
“Let’s All Go Down to the River” starts out slow and then speeds up. I first heard John Starnes sing this song in the ’80s so I was thrilled to hear someone re-release it.
The CD ends with the first single from the CD, “I Ain’t Giving Up On Jesus” which is #18 on the Singing News Chart for February.
There is a God
I’ve been pondering the weather lately. It seems like everywhere, temperature patterns are unpredictable. States that are usually warm are cooler while areas that typically would be buried in snow are experiencing 40-60 degree days. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a perfect way for God to show man that He is God and we are not.
As I was pondering this, I found the following verse: “The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that said in his heart, ‘Who shall bring me down to the ground?’Though you exalt yourself as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, there will I bring you down, said the LORD” (Obadiah 1:3-4).
Man likes to know things. People go to college to acquire knowledge. They read and study to become as smart as they can but no one will ever outsmart God. The way He designed everything is incredible. “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God” (Romans 1:20).
Yes, there is a God–One who is all-powerful and all-knowing, yet One who is full of love and mercy toward those who call on His name. I’m so thankful that the One who controls the wind, rain, and snow also takes the time to supply my every need. He truly is a good God. May I never cease to praise Him.