A Real Quick Post
I’ve not posted for a few days so just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a great week. I don’t know about you but life seems to go faster than I can keep up with it at times. Thankfully, God’s grace is sufficient and He gives the strength that I need continually. I don’t know how people get through life without Him but I know they don’t do very well at it.
I gotta run but don’t forget to keep praying for Tracy Stuffle. God is moving but Tracy is still in need of complete healing. How wonderful to know the God who can do just that! Have a blessed day!
Resting in God
I’ve been tired this week. As I sat down to pray about what to write this evening, I thought of how nice it is to have time to just rest in the Lord. All the worries and cares of the day I leave behind as I sit and just bask in His presence. As life becomes more stressful and hectic, it’s easy to feel like I don’t have time to just sit but I think those are the times when I need to especially do so.
Scripture tells us over and over to rest in Him, trust Him, etc. How often do we really slow down to do so? I think we forget at times that He is the one who controls our lives. No matter how much we fret and stress and fight to get results, that mountain will not budge unless God moves it.
As you look back over your week and the new stresses and crises that arrived, focus this weekend on giving them to God. He is there and He cares. He may not move the mountain but He will give you strength to climb it as you release control and allow Him to do so.
Update on Tracy Stuffle
Posted on Facebook this morning by Libbi (Tracy’s wife):
A new obstacle this morning! I have to leave Tracy’s ICU room from 6 to 8 am & pm. I came back in Tracy’s room at 8 am. Nurses were bathing him. The nurse tells me that Tracy is having some skin break down, mainly on his right side. She then shows me and I am shocked. Mainly under his arm and on his hip on right side. Then another place under his arm on left side. We do NOT need this in the Name of Jesus, God’s Son be gone!!!!
Haven’t seen the doctor yet to see what the plan of attack is. Blood pressure started elevating about 5am, which seems to be a pattern. Giving him Meds for that. Temp is still rocking between 99.8 to 101.8.
Can I just say I am holding on to faith, but my brain and mind are worn out!!! Praying today will bring new mercies and new miracles, in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s son!!
Please continue to uphold Tracy and Libbi in your prayers. I know what it’s like to constantly go from one thing to the next and yet be ready for this to be over. It’s often more exhausting for the friends and family than it is for the one in the hospital. Thank you, prayer warriors. God is faithful and will complete the work He’s begun.
God Still Answers Prayer
Thank you to each one who has joined me in praying for Tracy Stuffle. God is answering but please don’t stop. He has a long way to go for complete recovery but I’m praising God for what He is doing.
I have several friends I’m praying for and expecting God to do great things for. I’m reminded continually that God’s hand is not short nor His ear hard of hearing. We serve a powerful God who doesn’t owe us a thing, yet He still listens to His children. If you need a miracle, don’t stop asking. God delights in giving good gifts to His children. He is listening and will answer in His time.
Tracy Stuffle in Need of Prayer
I was away all day yesterday so am just now getting around to posting this but Tracy Stuffle of the Perrys suffered a stroke Monday evening and is in desperate need of prayer. Because of the bleeding in his brain, they inserted a drainage cath which seems to have helped but he is still in desperate need of prayer. Please join me in praying for Tracy’s complete recovery, peace for his wife Libbi, and strength for the group during this time. If you would like to leave a note for Tracy and Libbi to let them know that you are praying for them, there is a Facebook page where you can leave comments and which will also keep you updated as you pray. Thank you, prayer warriors. I’m so grateful to serve a God who still heals.
CD Review: Renewed (Still Blessed)
Last year, a female trio formed and called themselves Still Blessed. Their music would be considered southern gospel but their sound fluctuates from a little southern to country to inspirational.
The CD begins with a song I enjoy. Originally recorded by the Whisnants, Christina Dulworth does a good job on “New Day Dawning.”
Group member Marsha Moats wrote and sang, “From His Cross.”
Group member Sis Monroe wrote “Our Loving Master,” which Sis sings with feeling.
Sis Monroe also wrote “It’s All Good.” The sound on this song reminds me a little of the Perry Sisters.
Next is an old Bishops song, “Battle Scarred Soldier.”
Sung and written by Sis, “I Still Have Victory” is a song which I think has an old feel to it, as it kinda gently swings.
On the title track, they brought in mandolin and fiddle, giving it a slight bluegrass sound musically.
Marsha sings, “When a King Loved a Beggar.” The music, harmony and lyrics all make this an especially beautiful song.
You may remember “Still Blessed” from when the Perrys sang it a few years back. This group does a good job on it as well.
I like “It’s Not So Hard to Praise Him,” an uptempo toe tapper. It also proclaims the truth. It’s really not hard to praise the Lord when you think of everything He’s done for you.
Christina Dulworth sings, “I’ve Been to the Well.”
Christina also sings, “Celebrate Me Home,” a song the Perrys made famous but I never get tired of hearing it. A great message.
There are some clips of some of these songs on the group’s website. I hope you’ll go hear them as I think you’ll enjoy them.
Faithful Every Moment
This morning, I was thinking again of people who exhibit true faithfulness: those who have served God for years, never wavering. I turn 40 this year which has me thinking a lot of the legacy I’ll leave after I’m gone and the importance of being a Light–someone others can look up to and know that there is a God who loves and cares about all of us.
It’s easy to get lost in living for the moment but this moment passes all too soon. I must make each moment count. When I think how quickly my 40 years of life have passed, I know I’ll be in the presence of Jesus before I know it. Will He welcome me with arms wide open, calling me His good and faithful servant or will He look at me with pain in His eyes for the way I lived my life? I want it to be the former.
May all who come behind me find me faithful–daily, hourly, moment by moment. That is my prayer. I hope it’s yours as well.
Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work
“Be calm no matter what may befall you. Rest in Me. Be patient, and let patience have her perfect work. Never think things overwhelming. How can you be overwhelmed when I am with you?” ~from God Calling by A.J. Russell
As I read this the other day, the phrase “Let patience have her perfect work” jumped out at me. I’ve known James 1:4 as long as I can remember: “But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” I’ve not really thought about what that means, however. James doesn’t tell us simply to be patient but to let patience have her perfect work. That’s a command–something we are to do–but how?
Patience seems to be a character trait most people lack. We live in a fast-paced society where people are used to their desires being instantly met. However, in life, that is not always how it works. Instead of complaining for the answers that don’t come when we want them, we must choose to be patient. It may not be easy but it can be done and it’s what God desires of us. Let’s start today thanking God for the delays which teach us patience. I’ve heard people say, “Don’t ask for patience because God will test you”; however, that’s not a bad thing. If God desires us to be patient, we should welcome the opportunities which help to make us more like Him.
Guest Post: The Best Year Ever (by Karen Peck Gooch)
Note from Sony: Since I started this blog, I’ve never featured a guest post. However, when I read Karen Peck Gooch’s article in her latest e-newsletter, it said so well what I wanted to say that I thought it was worth letting you read as well. Don’t just take it as a good idea; put it to practice. When I wish someone a Happy Birthday, I often wish them the best year yet. Karen shares how to have that year. I pray 2013 truly is your best year ever.
I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time. How can we have the best year ever? Some people are starting off the new year grieving the loss of a loved one. Some are facing physical challenges. Some are without jobs. The list goes on. However, I believe that if we spend more time with the Lord by praying and reading His Word, this time next year we will say that 2013 was the best year ever. Maybe our circumstances surrounding us may not be the best, but as long as we are walking closely with God, we will have a peace that the Bible says ‘passes all understanding’. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.” (PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7) As long as we have Christ in our lives, that is all we need. He will supply our needs. Susan sings the song, Sustaining Grace. My favorite line in the song says that “I tried to make that mountain move, but instead He moved in me.” How many times do we try to remove those mountains in our lives and we find ourselves burned out, complacent, and bitter? We become weary in well doing. However, if we can step back from the situation and allow God to move those mountains for us, our lives will be filled with peace and contentment. Easier said than done, right? Well, with the Lord’s help, we can do it. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (PHILIPPIANS 4:13) Let’s challenge each other to make the effort to spend more time with our Lord and watch Him do mighty works in our lives. Then, let’s have the same conversation this time next year! I believe we will truly say that we had the best year with the Lord that we’ve ever had!
(Taken from Karen Peck and New River’s January e-newsletter. You may subscribe to their free e-newsletter through their website: www.karenpeckandnewriver.com.)
CD Review: Sweet Songs About Heaven (Blackwood Brothers)
The Blackwood Brothers recently released a new project with Daywind. If you liked the old Blackwood Brothers Quartet with James and Cecil Blackwood, you will enjoy this CD.
“Goodbye, Egypt (Hello, Canaanland)” is a moderate tempo song, typical of the kind of quartet song we would expect from the old Blackwood Brothers.
“Swing Low Sweet Chariot/Swing Down Chariot” takes me back to my earliest memories of hearing the Blackwood Brothers sing these songs. It’s amazing how much Jimmy Blackwood sounds like his dad, James. I didn’t realize until writing this review that Jimmy recently retired so I’m especially blessed to have what will apparently be his last recording for a while.
Tenor Wayne Little sang, “Sweet Songs About Heaven.”
“That’s What Was Good About the Good Old Days” is an uptempo song about, as the title says, the good old days.
Jimmy sang, “It Is No Secret.”
One of my favorites is “I’ve Heard About a City/Walk Dem Golden Stairs,” featuring bass singer Butch Owens. It’s the kind of quartet song and singing I love.
“That’s What Heaven Will Be” is a moderate tempo “happy” song.
“Declaration of Dependence” is a powerful song about our dependence on the Lord. We can do nothing apart from him.
I love the song “Someone to Care,” and the Blackwoods did a good, heartfelt arrangement of this song as well.
“The Devil Can’t Harm a Praying Man” is another uptempo song that must be fun in concert.