All I Have Needed, Thy Hand Hath Provided

God does not promise to provide all our whims and fancies but He does promise to provide all of our needs. David said, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread”  (Psalm 37:5). I am so grateful that, as poor as I have been at times, I have never gone without food. Even before I surrendered my life to Him, His hand was on me, providing for my needs.

Many times, we confuse needs with wants. Whenever I’m not receiving something that I think is a necessity, I remind myself that maybe it’s not in reality. Maybe it is just something that would bring me ease but which God doesn’t think I need right now. At the same time, I trust Him because He knows what is best for me. He desires me to spend eternity with Him, and He will lead me and guide me in the way I should go until I am more like Him. He truly is a wonderful Savior!

Announcing Sony Elise Editing Services

If you have read my blog for a while, you know that 2013 was a year of changes for me. Although I am one who doesn’t like change, it has really been neat to see God’s hand at work every step of the way.

Last year, in the midst of everything else going on in my life, I was praying for something I could do as a side business to earn some extra income but yet continue to work with Family Renewal. As I was talking with a friend, she suggested I start a business proofreading and editing. I have done this kind of work for over 25 years but, for some reason, that thought had never occurred to me! I felt like this was indeed what God had planned for me, so I began looking into this possibility.

After quite a few months of praying, studying, and trying to think through what tools I would need to begin this endeavor, the website for Sony Elise Editing Services is finally up and running, and I am ready to accept manuscripts. If you or someone you know has recently finished a book which needs to be proofread or edited, please contact me through the form on my website. I look forward to working with you.

God’s Evident Hand

The last couple weeks have been “exciting.” It started when we flew to Fargo, ND. This is the second time we have gone in the dead of winter. I check our sanity every time we say Yes but we love the people there, and we strive to go anywhere God has called us to minister. On our return flight, they cancelled the flight from Chicago to home so we had to catch a bus. We got home much later than anticipated, and the next morning, we drove to Florida. That trip went really well until we were coming back through Birmingham, AL. They had an ice storm, making the roads treacherous. People were slipping, sliding, and stalling all around us. It is only God’s hand that kept us from being hit. He enabled us to drive roads no one else could get through on, and we finally arrived home safe and sound.

If I didn’t believe in God, I would have had to during that time. He heard our prayer, and now I am praising Him wholeheartedly for His guidance and protection. I was not worried for our lives but I did not want to spend more time in Birmingham than I had to. Home has never felt so good.

God never promised my life would be easy. Difficulty is not a sign that He is not with me. In fact, it is the difficult times that make me even more grateful that He is with me.

I am aware that God always keeps us safe on the road. This week, I saw how He did it. I pray I never cease to praise Him for His hand of protection every day.

More on Philippians 4:8

In my last post I focused on music, but Philippians 4:8 should be our standard for every area of life. There are many things which can wear us down but God desires to lift us up if we would think on these things. As you grow in God, the things that displease Him will begin to grieve your Spirit more and more.

Take stock of your life. The places you go, the people you hang out with, the movies you watch, the books you read–do all those things bring glory to God? Are they lovely, pure, of good report? Would you do all those things if Jesus were visiting? It’s easy to read Scripture and not think about how to apply it to our lives but this is a good verse to begin applying. Do it today!

The Power of Music

For Christmas, my brother and his wife gave me a copy of one of Roy Webb’s piano CDs. Years ago, I didn’t appreciate just piano music but I must be getting old. 🙂 It has been very helpful in ushering me into worship the last couple weeks. There is music that I don’t listen to when I want to worship since it doesn’t have that effect. Music is an interesting tool. It can lift you up or depress you. It’s important to evaluate what you are putting in your mind.

Although Southern Gospel music is my favorite music, I confess I do like some country as well. This is where I must guard which songs I put into my mind. Philippians 4:8 gives us a great guideline to use when looking at music we listen to. Is it pure? Is it lovely? Is it of good report? Does it have virtue? Those are the things I want to dwell on.

Growing up, I learned to appreciate (or at least tolerate) a variety of music but, if I am going to spend time listening to a CD, it must be filtered through Philippians 4:8. Anything else is a waste of my time and should bring grief to my Spirit.

Nothing I Desire Compares With You

“Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds. And nothing I desire compares with You.”

“Nothing I desire compares with You.” Think about that. As humans, we get so bogged down with life on earth: what we like, what we don’t like, what we want, etc. As I look around at my “things,” I concede that nothing I have or desire compares with my Lord. If this was all taken from me, I would still have Him, and He would be enough. Humanly, I hope I never lose my belongings in a fire or flood but sometimes it’s worth thinking about. What if I did experience loss? Could I honestly sing, “I’d rather have Jesus than ANYTHING this world affords today”? I need to train my heart to say, “Yes, Lord. You truly are all I NEED. I may have other wishes or desires but NOTHING I desire compares with You. Thank You, Father, for reminding me of this truth.”

Faith or Belief?

Yesterday, I started a book titled Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. In the first chapter, she was talking about how what most people call faith is not really faith at all; it is merely belief. One cannot have faith in a thing. It is only possible to have faith in a person.

If “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6), it is important to know what faith is. Many times through the years, I have “prayed in faith” that God would do a certain thing and, many times, He has answered my prayer. At the same time, there are prayers God does not answer. This is where one’s faith can be shaken but, if I truly have faith, I will still “rejoice in the God of my salvation” (Habakkuk 3:18), because I trust Him completely. I may be disappointed but I know He does all things well.

Jesus told the disciples to “have faith in God” (Mark 11:22). He delivers that same message to us today. Don’t worry about circumstances. Don’t presume that God is going to answer your prayers exactly how you want. Scripture does say, “What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them” (Mark 11:24) but I think this is more than just naming it and claiming it. The closer we get to God, the more His will becomes our will. “And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us” (1 John 5:14). I believe therein lies the key.

I feel like I still have so much to learn about prayer and faith but I’m thankful that I have a patient Teacher. Slowly but surely I am learning more about Him and how He desires me to walk and to live. May I never stop learning and growing.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

This afternoon, I was texting with a friend. In the course of our conversation he asked, “Why is it that the little things get me all messed up but I handle the big things just fine?” Before I could reply, he answered his own question. “I know. I rely on God for the big things but try to handle the little ones myself.” That struck such a chord with me. How often do I pray and believe God to move huge mountains but, in the small, everyday tasks, I get stressed and frustrated, trying to figure it out on my own? In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tell us to “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” I think the majority of my days would go much better if I would do just that.

That’s not to say that life for a dedicated Believer is smooth sailing (Jesus told us we would have tribulations) but many of my minor tribulations and irritations, I bring on myself by not seeking His face and trusting Him to work out the little details. Even this week, I have wasted so much time trying to do what should have been simple things. They took forever until I finally took time to ask God what I should do to accomplish what I needed. Why didn’t I do that in the first place?

I may be a slow learner but I trust I will learn these simple lessons. I really am too blessed to be stressed. As I go through my days praising God for those blessings and seeking His face in everything, my days will be smoother and my Lord will be nearer. With that combination, I won’t even think of sweating the small stuff. He will be taking care of the big things and the small stuff for me.

CD Review: Committed to the Call (The Rick Webb Family)

RickWebbFamilycd-640Rick, Phyllis, Parker and Hannah (aka The Rick Webb Family) have released another great CD of songs of praise to our Lord.

This CD begins with See What a Morning, written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend.

Next is I Will Sing of My Redeemer, Satisfied (aka “Hallelujah I Have Found Him), and Unclouded Day.

Let the Rocks Keep Silent is an uptempo song of praise.

Hannah Webb sings Send Me, a song about Jonah. I like the country flair of this song.

The tempo slows down for All Rise. Then Phyllis Webb sings If Not for the Old Rugged Cross.

Rick Webb sings Valley of the Shadow,

The song ends with a song that says over and over, I’ll Say Yes Lord. Is that your heart? If there is anything you are still holding on to, I hope you will release it today.

Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand

“Time is filled with swift transition. Naught of earth unmoved will stand. Build your hopes on things eternal. Hold to God’s unchanging hand.”

Have you noticed how quickly time is flying? I can’t believe we’re a week into the new year already. As I look ahead to what promises to be a busy year, I think about all the things that occur in a year’s time that there is no way to plan for. Death, sickness, relational strife, job loss, etc. God knows now what unexpected joys and sorrows will arise this year. I’m so thankful that He is the conductor on this roller coaster of life.

Although I may not see the future, I’m glad that He never lets go of my hand. Life may change, friends come and go, but God never changes. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
