Learning to Trust
Whether You’re blessing or whether You’re testing, by faith, I’ll still trust You. Though the world falls around me, Lord, Your Word is still true!” (from the song “Lord, Your Word is Still True” as sung by the Kingdom Heirs)
I think trust is sometimes the hardest thing for people, even those who say they are Believers. We like to be in control, to have a 5-year plan, to know what we’re doing but there are many things we can’t control, no matter how much we wish we could.
When a child’s sick, we’d do anything to relieve his suffering. When the economy’s bad, we’d love to turn it around. There is One who is in control even when we’re not and it’s Him we need to cling to.
I think pride is often the reason we don’t like to relinquish control but Scripture says “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). Maybe that’s why those who learn that place of complete trust and surrender come into that place of peace when the rest of the world is in turmoil.
I’m learning that trust and surrender is a practice. It’s not something that necessarily comes automatically but the more you hit that place of saying, “I may not always understand Your ways, Lord, but I do trust You,” the easier it becomes and the more we become a trusting people. I pray we can all get to that place so that no matter what’s going on around us, we can say with Job, “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him” (Job 13:15).
Down but not Down
The last few days I’ve been fighting a sore throat/congestion and today I just don’t feel well. It’s a blessing, though, that, even when I’m down physically, the Lord draws near to lift me up spiritually. His commitment to me was for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and He has kept His promise.
Often when I’m not feeling well, I want to veg out and I will read, watch videos or play computer games. I remind myself, though, that it’s in the quiet times that I am most likely to hear God’s voice and I don’t want to miss it if He would like to speak to me so I close the computer, shut the book and thank Him for His goodness and what He’s doing in my life. I can’t say I know what He’s speaking right now but I know He’s near. Maybe He just needs me to be quiet a while longer. I pray I will be faithful to do just that.
If you’re going through a difficult time whether physical, financial, spiritual or emotional, don’t let “noise” or busyness occupy your time. Your darkest valleys are the places God’s light can shine the brightest. He loves you and He wants to spend time with you. Ask Him to draw near you today and talk to Him as you would talk to a friend. Then listen to what He has to say. You won’t be able to help but be encouraged.
CD Review: The Best of Jessica King
Somewhere around the year 2000, the southern gospel community became aware of a Christian country artist by the name of Jessica King. For the last decade, we haven’t heard from her but I’m pleased to announce that she’s back with a new recording of her top hits. The list includes:
“Gift of Grace”
“When He Reigns”
“Come Spring” (one of my favorites)
“Keep Me In Your Will” (another of my favorites). “Remind me, Lord, I’m just a glove that fits into Your hand …. Lord, keep me in Your will so I won’t be in Your way.” Do I hear an Amen?!
“Kiss of God”
“You Don’t Have to Bear Your Burdens Alone” (sung with Jason Crabb)
“No Matter How Long”
“I Can Mend Your Fences”
“Sometimes it Takes a Storm”
There are also three new songs on this project: “Can’t Dream Big Enough,” “Work of Heart” and “I’m Coming Home.”
Putting Things in Perspective
I am at a camp this week hearing some great messages but, as I was pondering the things God is speaking, I’m reminded that the messages are not great because of the ones delivering them but because of the One who inspired them. God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and, although I’m blessed to be able to serve Him and speak His words at times, He hasn’t spoken to me because I’m more special than the person I’m talking to. He uses me because I allow myself to be used of Him.
In ministry, it can be easy to lose sight of that fact but never forget that God didn’t have to call you. He called you because He trusts you to share His message. At the same time, “to whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48) which means a whole lot is required of you.
James 4:6 says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.” (Proverbs 18:12) “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalm 127:1) “It’s not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us.” (Titus 3:5) These are all verses ministers of the Gospel should read often.
Don’t fall into the trap of becoming an “expert” and always being the one who has to have the right answer. Sometimes, God may desire to teach us something and the day we become unteachable is the day we stop having something to teach others. “For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” (Galatians 6:8)
A Word Fitly Spoken
This is what I thought I would write on last night but God had a different plan. I mentioned in my last post how God used a friend of mine to encourage me. Besides brightening my day, God reminded me of the importance of using our words to build each other up. Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” When sitting next to silver, can you picture how gold stands out? Words of encouragement stand out as well.
It seems like many people never hear words of affirmation. Can you imagine being the manager of a business? Everyone knows who to talk to when they have a complaint but rarely do I hear stories of someone asking to talk to a manager to compliment him or her on a job well done or to tell about an employee that did a great job of serving them well. On the contrary, when everything rings up right and we get through a line quickly, we go on with our life and don’t even take time to say “Thank you.” If something goes wrong, however, we’ll stand around for however long it takes to voice our complaint.
Let’s not be that way. Think of someone who has done something to bless you, regardless of what it is, and take a minute to jot them a note or call them up and thank them for being a blessing to you. You don’t know what kind of a day they’re having, and hearing from you may be just the thing to brighten their day.
And, by the way, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I pray God blesses your day as well.
Spread the Joy
I received a note from a lady yesterday who told me that I’m probably one of the most truly joyful people she knows. I don’t think anyone could pay me a higher compliment and, although I read that early last evening, the blessing of those words has carried me through today as I continue to pray, “Lord, let that be what people see when they look at me.” I don’t want to be one who can put on a smile “for the camera” so to speak but I want to be a person that, no matter what I’m going through, will continue to shine for Jesus. I want to be that “rock that never rolls” as the Freemans sang.
Life is hard. Burdens are heavy. Sometimes there are rainy seasons where tears fall more frequently but, through it all, we can find joy by clinging to the Rock who doesn’t change with the seasons. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. He’s the One who promised, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” He also said, “Come to Me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly of heart and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
In Nehemiah 8:10, Nehemiah told the people that the joy of the LORD was their strength. If you think about it, joyful people typically are a lot lighter on their feet. They aren’t burdened with the cares of this world but have cast their cares onto Jesus as He told us to.
There are still days that I have trouble finding things to rejoice in but, thankfully, those days are few. I’m striving to stay close to Jesus so that I can feel His presence and see His hand as opposed to everything else that’s going on in the world. Let’s spread that joy so that even the lost and dying can recognize it and find hope that they never knew existed.
Walking into God’s Presence
As I took my walk this afternoon, I looked up at the blue sky and began to think about Enoch, the man who walked into the presence of Jesus, never to return. What that must have felt like! That’s what I want my Homegoing to be like. Maybe it won’t be a literal walk into Heaven like Enoch’s but I’m convinced every Believer can have that experience where you are so close to God that you won’t notice the difference when you pass through the pearly gates. The only difference will be the lack of pain, sickness, sorrow and death. The streets will be gold and there will be no sun but everything will sparkle because God is there, shining upon it. I wonder if I will sparkle too. 🙂
Much has been written about Heaven and sometimes I wonder if I write my thoughts of Heaven too much but I think we sometimes need to be reminded what awaits those who are faithful. Life can be full of stress, strife and discouragement but this world is not our home and I’m thankful that it won’t be long until I’ll see my real Home and finally see my Savior face to face. What a day, glorious day that will be!
Are You Ready to Meet Jesus?
I always have emails piling up in my Inbox. It seems I’ve signed up for too many e-newsletters to keep up with them all. Then there’s business emails and personal correspondence. I get them read eventually but I’m about three months behind. As I’ve been going through May, I noticed a theme in most of what I read. It was all centered around the Lord’s return. I was surprised God had laid that message on so the hearts of so many but I’d forgotten that May was when Christ’s return was predicted so it was on everyone’s mind.
Now things have gotten back to normal and you don’t hear people talking as much about the importance of being ready for Christ’s return but the fact is He is coming. We may not know when but Jesus told us to watch and be ready. Even if Jesus delays His coming for a while, there is no guarantee that you will still be alive tomorrow.
No one likes to think about death but we are all going to die some day. For myself, I want my Lord to be satisfied with me. I want there to be joy in His face. There will probably be tears on mine as I think of how much love God’s poured out on me that I don’t deserve. “Not by works of righteousness that I have done but according to His mercy He saved me.” I’m so thankful for His daily love and I can’t wait to tell Him in person. I pray God will find me faithful when He returns. Are you ready to meet Jesus?
CD Review: Blue Skies Coming (The Perrys)
I’ve been looking forward to reviewing this CD since I received it months ago. I started listening to the Perrys in the mid-1980s. In the ’90s, I’d hear a few songs here and there but didn’t keep up with them much. The last few years, I’ve been listening to them again and I can say unequivocally that they’re as good as ever.
The CD begins with the title song that makes you want to shout if you’re a shouter. No matter how dark things are, there are “Blue Skies Coming.” I’m so thankful for that.
I absolutely love “Celebrate Me Home.” When David Wilkerson died, that is the song I played over and over. For me, it’s two-fold. At times I think of those who are already Home who I look forward to seeing one day but I also think of the day when I will be Home with the One whom I love above all else.
“Nothing Was Burned but Their Bands” is a fun song which primarily features Tracy, Joseph and Bryan. Libbi comes in at the end to tear the chorus up.
“Rejoice, My Children, Rejoice” is a slow song which the group sings together on the first verse and then Libbi sings the second verse. “Rejoice, my children, rejoice for your name is recorded today.” I feel like shouting again. 🙂
Joseph sings “Grace Doesn’t Remember” and “Sounds Good to Me.”
This CD was the first I really heard Bryan Walker but he’s a great addition. He sings “He Loves to Save” and “The End of the Aisle.”
It’s hard to find a favorite song on here but I really enjoy “Every Time I Need Him.” For those who know me, you’ll know that means it’s a fast song. The Perrys make uptempo songs come to life.
I can relate to “I Know What I’m Singing About.” Compared to others, I don’t feel very intelligent but I can sing about what God’s goodness all day.
I don’t give out many 5-star ratings but the Perrys have once again outdone themselves with a superb recording of meaningful songs.
CD Review: Great Big God (Paul’s Journey)
 I’ve been hearing a lot about Paul’s Journey lately so I recently dug out their latest recording to see what the hype is about. My initial thought was how hard it is to classify the style of the CD as a whole. Each song has a different flavor from praise & worship to traditional to progressive. It has a little something for everyone.
The CD starts with a one-minute, 38-second prelude to the song “God is Great,” an uptempo praise and worship song. Next comes “Washed in the Blood.” The man who sings the first verse of this song reminds me of Mike Bowling. Ann Downing and Daryl Williams co-wrote “There’s Still a Cross,” which is a great song.
“Get Out of the Boat” is different musically. Not a new message but an interesting arrangement. “For Me” is a pretty ballad sung in a way that gets the message across that it was “for me” that Jesus died. “Walkin’ on the Edge” reminds you that no matter what you’re going through, your walls are coming down. “In the Waiting” is a song of encouragement to those who are praying and waiting for an answer. “I want a peace beyond my understanding.” How many can relate to that?
Other songs include “Great Big God,” “Call Upon the Name,” “In the Name of Jesus,” “Shelter,” and “He’s Alive.”
If you like quartets, you will enjoy this CD.