Don’t Forget the Cross

  • 17 February 2010

Lately, God has been bringing the cross into view. I know it’s not Easter but it’s vital that Believers never forget what Christ did for us. As I approach the cross a bit apprehesively, it’s not the blood I see at first (fortunately for me since I would be quite squeamish); it’s His eyes. What love and pity pours out of them. As painful as His torment has been, the tears are not ones that emit because of physical pain. Instead, they are tears that come from agony of soul, a realization that He is dying for sins that people don’t care if they commit. His followers have fled, the person who gave Him His death sentence knows He’s done nothing worthy of death, yet He gave the sentence to satisfy a blood-thirsty, jealous mob. Even His Father can’t look at Him and why? Because He loved this sin-cursed world so much that He was willing to surrender to a cruel death to buy our pardon and forgiveness and our freedom from sin.

Yet how many people live their lives in a way that satisfies themselves? “If it feels good, do it” seems to be the attitude. But, as a result, are we causing Him to feel the beatings all over again? I wonder if He thinks about everything He went through and wonders if it was worth it. I know I would but then I’m not God. Somehow, even in the midst of our continuing to spit in His face by the way we live our lives, He continues to look down with eyes of love that pleads, “Won’t you turn from your selfishness and follow Me? Wouldn’t you like to spend eternity with Me? You don’t have to die as you are. Let Me change you. Let Me walk with you and teach you how to live a victorious, joyous life.” I don’t know about you but, as I look into those eyes, everything in me longs to do His will, to have Him be truly satisfied with me.  When I have those days where I begin to get an attitude or I begin to want to do my own thing, I pray that God will take me back to the cross. Let me not forget those eyes of love or the blood He shed for me. “Then said I, ‘Lo, I come … to do Thy will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7). Let that be our prayer today.


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  1. Brad - February 18, 2010 at 1:22 PM

    My pastor preached a sermon titled “The Savior and His Cross” last Sunday night. He told a story about theives breaking into a certain church and stealing a statue of Jesus but leaving behind the cross that the statue had been attached to. He said some people want Jesus but don’t want the cross. It was a great message.

    • Sony Elise - February 18, 2010 at 8:32 PM

      Wow. What a concept but so true. We were told to take up our cross and follow. That seems to indicate that the cross comes with the package but, when our eyes are focused on Jesus, the cross doesn’t seem so heavy.

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