Random Thoughts 6/27/22

  • 27 June 2022

Hey Everyone, It’s hard to believe that the year is half over already. It’s amazing how much can happen in a six-month time period, but it seems like there is always something going on.

Our year began with news of our mom’s death in January. Having lost my last two grandparents in the last three years, I thought I had finally experienced grief. The loss of a parent is a whole different ballgame, especially when that parent is still relatively young. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose a spouse or a sibling. My heart goes out to those I know who have had close loved ones die in the last few years. I know now from experience how hard that journey can be.

Although Mom is gone, life for us goes on. God continues to open doors for my brother to speak, and I do not lack the perfect amount of editing work. Scripture tells us not to worry about tomorrow because God knows how strong that tendency is. For myself, it is easy to fret over things that I have no control over. Precisely because I can’t control those things. As if I am better at planning my life than God is. How He must laugh as I tie myself in knots wondering what I’m going to do if conferences dry up and manuscripts stop coming in. His laughter is not sinister, however. He wraps me in His arms and reminds me that He will continue to care for me. I pray that I will continue to look to Him and to grow in the trust that I need to have, O me of little faith.

Our family is no stranger to trials, and we are going through yet another one. As He always does, God brings songs and Scriptures to mind. Today, it was the Freemans’ song, “He won’t keep you from the trial, but He’ll sure keep you through.” I can testify that this is the case. That doesn’t mean that I don’t cry a lot and ask God to comfort and hold me, but I do know that He is here. He has not forsaken us. I trust that this test too will become a testimony. It just may take some time.

They say that the key to not focusing on yourself is to encourage others, and I acknowledge that this is a good strategy. It is not wrong to reach out and let your friends know when you are struggling, however. In the Christian life, meekness is not weakness. Most likely, someone would like to walk with you through your valley, but you must invite them to do so. The majority of caring people won’t pry, but they will be happy to pray if you inform them of your need.

I hope that you all are doing well and staying close to the Lord in spite of whatever is happening in your life. I’ve shared some of my struggles. Some of you are going through similar things; some are going through trials that are very different from mine; and some are getting a much-needed reprieve. Regardless of where you are at in the journey of life, don’t forget to daily thank your Father for His love and His goodness. Draw near to Him, and He has promised to draw near to you. May God bless each of you, dear readers. Keep the faith and try not to become discouraged. Before we know it, we too will be Home. I, for one, am looking ever more forward to that day.


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  1. Scotty Searan - June 27, 2022 at 8:11 PM

    While my year has not been as eventful as yours, such as losing a family member, but I have lost some close acquaintances.
    I had the Covid in the Hospital for a week in January, but God has given me strength.
    I enjoy reading your articles even though I may not respond.
    God bless you.

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