NQC 2016 Highlights: Day 5

  • 4 October 2016

I realize that NQC is over but I thought I would go ahead and finish posting the highlights according to Sony Elise. šŸ™‚

Mark Trammell led devotions on Thursday and talked on the subject of peace. I especially liked his statement: “We live outside of peace because of our own decisions and choices. It’s not the world’s fault; it’s ours.” In context, he was talking about how we refuse to give our burdens to Jesus and insist on carrying them ourselves. We will never find peace if we do that.

Jason Crabb sang some old Crabb Family favorites: “Please Forgive Me,” “Come Down to Me,” and “Through the Fire.” He also did a medley of “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,” “Meeting in the Air,” and “I’ll Fly Away.”

Rodney Griffin sang the Cathedral’s song, “The Prodigal Son” with the Second Half Quartet. If I hadn’t been paying attention, I would have probably thought it was Glen Payne singing.

The Booth Brothers sang one of my favorites, “Still Feeling Fine.” They were joined on the last chorus by The Collingsworth Family and Jim Brady.

Ronny Hinson was inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame. He said that they only thing he would change in his life were the times that Ronny got in the way of God.

The Perrys sang “Keep On.” I am blessed by Troy Peach every time he preaches in between songs. His message is always right on and just what I need to hear.

Gerald Wolfe talked about the impression we leave on the lives of others. In his life was a man named Merle Hahn. (Not sure about the spelling of the last name.) He said, “You are a Merle Hahn to someone and, if you’re not, you oughtta be.” Wow. Then they sang “Faces.” “No matter how small the task, you did just as I asked.” That is all God asks of us: to be faithful in whatever He calls us to, no matter how small.”

Mark Trammell Quartet ended their set that night with “My Faith Still Holds.” “And though the end of things I cannot see, I choose to place my trust in Calvary.”

The Primitive Quartet sang, “Walking in the Highway,” one of my favorites that they do. I love watching Randy’s enthusiasm, which doesn’t wane regardless of how many times he sings that song.

The Nelons sang, “Then Came the Morning.”

In the Kingdom Heirs’ set, Arthur Rice said, “It’s not about us; it’s about Him. It’s not about what we can bear but what He can bear.” God can use people who realize that.

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  1. Scotty Ray Searan - October 4, 2016 at 10:39 PM

    Not much to say, except thank you for taking time to be a friend.

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