How Can You Say No?

  • 3 April 2015

Thorns on His head
A spear in His side
Yet it was a heartache
That made Him cry
He gave His life
So you would understand
Is there anyway you can say no to this man?

(from “How Could You Say No” written by Mickey Cates)

Growing up, it seemed that more emphasis was placed on Christ’s resurrection than on His crucifixion. Although I can understand why, I think it is equally important to take these couple days prior to Easter Sunday to focus on Christ’s suffering and all that He went through so that we could have eternal life with Him.

I have not yet seen The Passion of the Christ, as I don’t think I could handle being faced with that graphic of a portrayal but I do think everyone needs to realize how horrendous Christ’s suffering was in order to better appreciate the life He died to give to us. He did not die so that we could live in ease and comfort. Jesus died so that we could have abundant life, serving Him all our days. For some, that may mean working on a mission field or in a homeless shelter. It could be serving your family day in and day out, whether they appreciate it or not. There is a chance that your primary task is to be a light in your workplace so that others can see what a Christian looks like. I don’t know what God is asking of you but I know that He has a purpose for every person He allows to be born on this earth. Whether or not we accomplish that purpose is up to us.

As you think about the cross this weekend, ask God what it is that He is asking of you. Then examine your heart to know if you are ready and willing to surrender whatever that thing might be. Christianity is not a halfhearted commitment. Jesus gave everything for us, and He asks that we give everything in return. He tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow. This is a daily task but one that a true follower will do.

Think about everything He has done for you and then answer me honestly: How can you say no?

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  1. Tom Drake - April 3, 2015 at 8:36 PM

    Good Evening Sony. You mentioned that you did not see “The Passion of the Christ.” I did see It, and I believe that that is the only time I have ever walked out of a theater crying. To think that My Savior took all that punishment just for me was something I will never in my lifetime forget. Thank you for all your posts. God Bless and keep up the good work.

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