Joy Restored

  • 22 April 2014

“Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.” Oh, how I have prayed this so many times the past few years. This morning, as I listened to Karen Peck and New River and sang with them “Joy in My Heart,” I began praising God that He has answered my prayer. It was a long time coming but I am so grateful that God is not finished with me. As I near the end of my 40th year of life, I needed that confirmation.

The Christian life is a battle. The enemy wants you to be discouraged, defeated, and depressed while God wants you to be full of life, joy, and victory. It is vital that you not let the enemy win. I know it’s not always easy but a Christian does not have the option to quit. We must be faithful to the end.

I cried during the song, “Finish Well” and prayed again for God’s help to do exactly that. Sometimes I feel so weak but, in my weakness, He is strong. That is not a cliche; it is truth. And I am so grateful.

No matter what you are going through, don’t lose heart. Jesus loves you. He cares. He still has a plan for your life. Stay close to Him. No matter how busy you are, don’t neglect time with Him. Ask Him to speak to you. You may not hear His voice immediately but the more you draw near and fervently seek His face, the more you will begin to see Him and feel His presence and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He loves you.

Take it from one who knows. I don’t deserve His love and His grace but He loves me just the same. I am so grateful. He has never left me or forsaken me, and I know He never will. I know He won’t forsake you either. He truly is faithful who called you, and He will complete the work He has begun in you … just like He is doing in me.


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  1. Jeff - April 22, 2014 at 4:23 PM

    I wish I could be like you. But it would be nice if once in a while Jesus or God would actually demonstrate that love in a way that doesn’t involve more pain. Or perhaps he could just use his immeasurable “size” to stand between me and Satan. Maybe protect me once in a while? He’s had 50 years and I’ve very seldom experienced the love, mercy and goodness that he is supposed to be known for. Certainly far less (way far less) than I’ve experienced pain. At some point even God has to put up or shut up. It’s at that point for me, words no longer matter because they are a dime a dozen. It’s time for God to prove himself to me or I’m done with him.

    • Sony Elise - April 23, 2014 at 9:20 PM

      Hi Jeff, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. I hope you don’t stop reading but I’m curious why you do read it when you seem to disagree with most of what I write.

      • Jeff - April 23, 2014 at 11:23 PM

        I read it because I’m hoping that with every person that I comment to will somehow motivate God to really get it about where He has lead me. I still believe in God and I know that He treats some very well. I’m just trying to get the message through to Him that He’s not treating me well. Every avenue of communication creates another door that God can use to be moved to do the right thing and act for me not against me.

      • Jeff - April 23, 2014 at 11:26 PM

        I read it because I’m trying to find any avenue I can to get through to God that, while He treats some people well, He does not treat me well. Every person I communicate with is another potential door for God to use to do the right thing and act for me not against me. My hope is that eventually someone will say the right prayer that will finally move God to be my friend and protector rather than my punisher.

  2. Mark - April 22, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    Jeff, that you are alive to post a comment is proof that God is merciful and gracious. He has no other reason to allow you to take another breath except that it bring honor and glory to Him. Christians will be martyred for their faith in Christ today, but we do not struggle with such things here in the West. It would be a profitable time for you to consider the blessings of the Almighty that He has granted you 50 years. My friend, you should be thankful that He is obviously not done with you.

    • Jeff - April 22, 2014 at 8:45 PM

      Your comment is only true if you see life as a blessing or gift. I don’t. It’s a complete curse and has been my entire 50 years. If it weren’t for promises I made to my kids, I would say goodbye.

      God didn’t give us the choice to be created, but we’re the one’s who have to suffer? That isn’t fair and it isn’t right. He doesn’t have to endure the unending pain of life, yet he asks us to? Sorry, but that’s a crock.

      And there is no glory accruing to Him through me because I refuse to recommend other people accept Christ because my life has been far worse after accepting Him than before. Though I can’t change that choice today, it is by far the worst decision I ever made. So how is that bringing glory to Him?

      And as far as not being done with me yet, maybe, but if I’m done with Him how can He accomplish anything through me? I’m tired of hearing about how those he plans the most for often suffer the most. That isn’t true of the rest of my family or nearly everyone else I know. I’m tired of hearing how he has “plans for my good”! If He does, He need to get to it NOW!

  3. Mark - April 24, 2014 at 1:53 AM

    Jeff, you misunderstand why we were created and more importantly, you fail to see the sovereignty of God in all things. God does not need us for anything, but He chooses to use us for His glory.

    It does not matter how you view life, as a curse or a blessing, the truth of God’s Word does not change. You speak of ending life which is actually one of the most selfish things a person can do..

    You speak of having made a profession of faith and yet say it is one of the worst decisions you ever made because God doesn’t fit into your preconceived ideas of how He should act or what He should choose to do with you?!

    • Jeff - April 24, 2014 at 12:16 PM

      I appreciate your concern, but if you want it you are welcome to take over my life. I don’t care anymore about God’s sovereignty. I accept that, but I believe to call himself loving and good and then create this life without our consent is not consistent with how He says we should see him. And I’m sorry, but Jesus knew AHEAD of time EXACTLY what his purpose was and how it would occur. We are not given that consideration. And I’m sorry, but I would take crucifixion over 100 years of this life. At least that is temporary.

      You will never convince me my suffering is any less than His when I have no clue of my purpose, receive no benefits from having accepted Jesus and have no choice in any of the things that have and will affect my life. The reason it was the worst decision of my life is because it tricked me into believing things might be better when the reality is that life has sucked even more, but now I’m supposed to be thankful that it sucks that bad. Oh pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeee.

      If what you say is true, how selfish is God that He only created us for himself, not for us? Come on. And if He “doesn’t need us” for anything, I am more than willing for Him to let me go. If He doesn’t need me and I don’t want to be here, why not just let met go?

  4. Mark - April 24, 2014 at 2:12 AM

    Further, you mention about God working all things out for our good. But, there are actually two caveats – 1) this only applies to those who love God and 2) for those who are called according to His purpose.

    One final thought to consider, you speak if God not knowing the pain of life. May I recommend you read the Gospels and ask God to reveal to you what His Son gave up and suffered at the hands of a cruel world because of out sins. You and I will never have to suffer like God did.

  5. Jeff - April 24, 2014 at 12:25 PM

    REALLY? How about all the “non-believers” who get the golden life? How fair is that? They openly choose to reject God but there is no consequence here for them? Talk about fair! Why do some who are pathetic Christians get so many rewards? Really, he only punishes people at death?

    So for 100 years they get to enjoy everything and I have suffer continually, just so I can go spend eternity with a God that has treated me so poorly for my entire life? And in what logic would I expect Him to be different there than He has been here? On what experience am I supposed to believe that He will change? His word? His word hasn’t been what He said it’s supposed to be here, so why should I believe it will be in Heaven, when in His own words He says “He never changes”?

    There comes a time, EVEN FOR GOD, when you have to do more than just talk, you MUST act, otherwise the words are meaningless. I’m not asking for perfection, I understand the “into life some rain will fall”. But it is time for God to make things more balanced in my life. He’s provided more than plenty suffering and pain, so now it’s time to let me experience some joy and happiness. Is this beyond a God who’s supposed to be loving, good, merciful and fair?

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