Do They Know God Cares?

  • 22 August 2013

We are at a camp in California about 20 miles from a fire which has already burned over 50,000 acres. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in the path of that fire. Even where we are, the air is thick with smoke, and ash is falling from the sky. My heart is heavy as I think of those who are having to evacuate with the understanding that they may not have a home to go back to. This happens somewhere in the west every year but there is something about being this close that makes it much more real to me.

As reality sinks in, I wonder how many of those people know God. It’s easy for Christians to hang out with other Christians and be grateful for their salvation but do you ever stop to think about those who are lost without God? As I look around at the people I go by when I’m out and about, I wonder if they even care about the condition of their soul but the sad part is that one day they will.

I hate to admit it but I am very hesitant to share my faith. Not that I hide it but it would take a lot for me to walk up to someone that I don’t know and ask if they know Jesus. Apart from the Spirit’s leading, I’m not even sure that is the way to go but the Spirit knows who has ears to hear, and I hope I don’t get so self-absorbed and comfortable in my salvation that I fail to hear His voice directing me to talk to someone. I pray I never fail to smile and give a kind word that might speak to someone who needs to know that God cares about them. People die every day. Tomorrow, it could be your best friend or neighbor. It could be a family member that you are at odds with. Pray for the people you know who don’t know Him and ask for His wisdom to know how to best shine His Light so that they too may be assured of a Home in Heaven full of absolute peace and joy. Don’t stop interceding until God answers your prayer. I believe if we are faithful to fervently intercede on behalf of our unsaved loved ones, those prayers will avail much.

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  1. Mark Escalera - August 22, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Sony, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Having been very close to out of control forest fires, one hurricane, a handful of earthquakes and a couple of devastating tornadoes, I must admit that it is easy to think about yourself and your immediate family when your world seems to be caving in around you.

    However, learning to walk in the Spirit means we should be concerned for all others. What we own in regards to material possessions can be replaced, but a life cannot. If my neighbors, friends, or family perish in a God-ordained incident, eternity is before them.

    Even though we have been in the ministry for almost 2 decades in some aspect or another, reaching out to others with the gospel is never easy. We fear rejection because we would rather have others like us.

    May I encourage you that one of the easiest ways (notice I did not say easy) to share with somebody that I have found is to have just a general conversation and ask the Lord to direct the conversation towards spiritual matters. When it does, I will often ask if they mind if I give them a little gift that might help answer their questions.

    If they say yes, I carry a stack of little 32 page booklets written by John Blanchard called “Ultimate Questions” and I hand them one of these and just ask if they will read it and then get back with me in a few days. It has been a great blessing and has opened up a number of doors. I have found the best place to get them is from Carlisle Christian Supply here –

    Every blessing to you as you all serve the Master,


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