CD Review: Breath of Life (Josh Oldaker)

  • 20 June 2012

Last year at the National Quartet Convention, I was catching a few showcases when this cowboy stepped on the stage. When he opened his mouth to sing, I was impressed with the confidence and strength with which he sang. It’s hard to know what category to put him in. He’s really in his own genre but a lot of his songs have a country feel. Some have a Pentecostal feel but all have a good message.

“Slow Dance More” reminds us of the important things in life. Don’t go through life focusing on the things that aren’t important.

“The Good Book and a Good Hook” is a different kind of song about a guy whose two favorite things was the Bible and fishing. When he died, a Bible and a fish were found lose to him, side by side.

Every southern gospel fan probably knows Gerald Crabb’s song, “Through the Fire.”

“Raymond” is just a neat story in song.

I’m not sure how to describe Josh’s rendition of “Power in the Blood.” It’s pretty traditional but with maybe a Pentecostal flare.

“Eyes of Mercy” is a cry for just that. “I can’t go on without Your love, Your sweet embrace, Your tender touch.”

I believe “Heal Me” is the song I saw Josh sing at NQC. The emotion and passion he puts into the song lets you know he desires everyone to receive the healing that only Christ can give. Healing goes beyond just physical healing. Many are going through life discouraged, defeated, and down trodden but Christ can grant the joy and victory each person needs to live the life He desires for them. “Wake my soul from its sleep and give me back the joy of when I first believed. Heal me.”

“Shine Your Light on Me” is an uptempo song asking that God be glorified.

Geron Davis wrote, “Send it on Down,” referring to the Holy Spirit.

I know some people got tired of “I Can Pray” when it was on the radio by the Dove Brothers but it continues to be one of my favorite songs. I don’t like the helpless feeling that arises at times when a friend is really sick or making bad decisions, etc. Sometimes I need to be reminded that I can pray. It is not just a formality. It is something that can move the heart of God and, even if God doesn’t change the situation, as the McKameys sing, “prayer changes me.”

“Jesus Paid My Debt” is a song of thanksgiving for everything Jesus has done for us.

“The Ones That Won’t Come Back” talks about the men who gave their lives for our freedom.

Congratulations to Josh on his upcoming wedding to Amanda Conrad. For more information on Josh and his ministry, visit his website.


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  1. Barbar Murphy - November 15, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    This young man is such a blessing we were at Bloomsburg pa. and saw Josh .I’m wondering if Josh has the sound tracks to his songs? We just love him and we pray for Josh that God keeps him on the right path ,there are other gospel singers that have lost there way due to money and a friend of ours started out Gospel and fell for the money thing and lost out with God so Josh just want to encourage you. Josh stick with Gospel and God will see you threw . Barb Murphy

    and prayers

    • Josh Oldaker - November 24, 2013 at 11:58 PM

      First and for most thank you so much for the prayers and encouragement. I believe God will see this ministry through as long as it glorifies him. Can’t wait to see where we go its been a great ride thus far and greater things I believe are to come. To answer your questions about the tracks unfortunately they aren’t available. Sorry. I hope to see you again at bloomsburg PA, another event, or even your home church. Be sure to come say hi.
      God’s blessings

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