April 2020 Archives

Book Review: A Praying Church by Dennis Gundersen

  • Posted on April 2, 2020 at 6:08 pm

Probably a couple years ago now, I had mentioned that I might add book reviews to my blog which don’t apply directly to southern gospel music but that still might be of interested to my readers. I ended up not doing many but, as conferences are closed for at least another month, I am hoping to find time to highlight some books that I think are worth reading, starting with one that seems timely for today.

Second Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people which are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land” (emphasis mine). Once again, I believe God is calling the Church back to Him, and we must begin on our knees.

In his book, A Praying Church: The Neglected Blessing of Corporate Prayer, Dennis Gundersen isn’t just calling individuals to begin praying; he is calling the Church back to corporate prayer meetings, and he explains how to do this effectively.

I believe the biggest reason many have stopped having gatherings of prayer is due to the fact that few people would come out for this. Much of this shows how calloused hearts are becoming, even among professing Christians, but part of the lack of interest is due to the fact that prayer meetings can be, quite frankly, boring. When individuals are on fire for the Lord and then they get together to pray, lives are changed, miracles happen, and folks are drawn ever closer to the Heavenly Father.

This book does not contain hoopla and magic formulas, but it does have some practical advice as to how to conduct a prayer meeting. If you have a heart for prayer, I encourage you to get this book. It can inspire you in your personal prayer life and might move you to start a prayer group even if it’s in your home. If you are a pastor or church leader, you should read this book. Let’s stop neglecting the act of praying together.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.  ~Matthew 18:20
