September 2012 Archives

Only What’s Done for Christ Will Last

  • Posted on September 26, 2012 at 1:12 am

There are so few things in life that really matter so I’ll pursue things in life that will last for time and eternity.

~Neil Enloe (from the song “Give Me Jesus”)

I woke up with these words running through my head and I’ve found myself singing them all day. It’s easy to let life get away from us to the point where it controls us instead of us managing our days. I want to make sure all my time and effort is going toward things that won’t pass away. As C.T. Studd reminded us in his famous poem, it’s only what’s done for Christ that will last, and that’s what I want to be doing.

Even Jesus only did what the Father told Him to do. How many of us know each moment that we are doing what our Father has told us to do. There are many things that just “need to be done” but do they? These are the things I’m working through. So many things seem like a vital part of life but I’m asking God to show me the things that are truly vital. Everything else can wait.

His Strength Perfected in our Weakness

  • Posted on September 24, 2012 at 11:28 pm

I’m experiencing altitude sickness for the first time that I can remember. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I have felt so lousy but I’m resting in the fact that God is still here. He strengthens me for what I need to do and gives me rest that I need as well. I don’t know how most people handle sickness but I would not handle it well at all if not for the assurance that God is near. When I can’t do anything else, I can pray; I can rest. I can think on things that are pure, lovely, of good report. I can praise God for His goodness. When I do those things, the sickness doesn’t seem so bad. I pray for a quick recovery so I can better be used by Him but I thank Him that His timing is perfect and that He is strong even when I am weak.

I’m sure there are people reading this who deal with a lot more health issues than I do. I pray that you can rest in God as well. We are here to give Him glory. If He can receive that glory through my health, I’m blessed. If He chooses to receive glory through weakness, we are blessed as well. Pray to know God’s will so you can pray accordingly. Then rest in it. You will find that He is still faithful.

I Sing Because

  • Posted on September 22, 2012 at 12:20 am

This was not the day I had planned but God’s plans were apparently different. As Mom and I spent the afternoon at an auto repair shop, it was hard not to cry but, as He always does, God brought a song to mind. It was Squire Parson’s song, “I Sing Because.” What better time to praise the Lord than at a time when it was hard to see any good that could come out of the situation. God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love Him so I don’t doubt Him. I may not see it but I know it’s there.

As much as I wanted to be on the road to our next destination, I could see God’s hand at every turn, including providing a patient person to stay with us until we knew the vehicle couldn’t be fixed today, then he drove us around town until we found a rental car so we could get back on the road. I don’t know how God will use this for His glory but I know He will. Even if it was a ploy of the enemy to slow us down, God is greater and will redeem the situation. This is where faith steps in. I only see in part now but I know His plan is bigger than I can imagine.

I share this because I think sometimes it’s easy for people who read my posts to assume life is always easy for me. No, not always, but I serve a God who is very good to me and I want to praise Him as long as I have breath (or in this case fingers) to do so. Paul tells us, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of Christ Jesus.” May I ever be faithful to do so. Today I’m singing “just because.”

An Encouraging Reminder

  • Posted on September 19, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Lately, two songs I’ve been singing a lot are “In Spite of the Storm” and “The Potter Knows the Clay.” I’ve also been reminded lately that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. We serve such a great Father.He constantly brings Scripture and songs to mind to remind me of His love and care. When I struggle to bring those to mind, He’ll send a friend to give a “word in due season.” Maybe that’s part of the reminder that He never leaves or forsakes us. He is always there.

The Mark Trammell Trio sang, “I have a Heavenly Father watching over me each day.” How true that is. “I am so glad that Jesus loves me.” I could go on and on. My heart is full of thoughts of God’s goodness but you get the picture. If you’re down today, praise God anyway. You will find your heart springing up with songs and Scriptures you thought you’d forgotten.

Praise God Your Needs Are Supplied

  • Posted on September 13, 2012 at 9:57 pm

Growing up, I always cited Philippians 4:19 as my favorite verse:

But my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I read that again this morning, and you know what? That promise is still true. It seems like we often talk about things we need but I dare venture our needs are far fewer than we think they are. Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:8: “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” If you’re reading this, you more than likely have a lot more than food and clothing to be thankful for.

Don’t complain about what you don’t have. Thank God for providing your needs.  If there are things you don’t currently have that would make your life easier, it’s not wrong to ask Him for those things but, if He doesn’t give them, praise Him anyway. He knows what’s best and He desires our trust and contentment in everything.

CD Review: Between You and Me (Laura Ollis)

  • Posted on September 12, 2012 at 9:52 pm

I met Laura Ollis a year ago at the National Quartet Convention. You may know Laura’s husband, Eric, from his years with the Dixie Melody Boys or the Whisnants but Laura also has a music ministry. She has a sweet voice and puts her heart into her music. Laura sums up the CD by saying it’s “a collection of songs that represent a relationship between my Heavenly Father and me; songs of praise and adoration.”

Songs on this project are:

“Tell Him What You Think”–God already knows so don’t hesitate to tell God what’s on your mind.

“Mary For a While” is a great song to turn on when you need to unwind after a busy day. It’s easy to be “Martha,” caught up in busyness with no time to rest and listen to God but it’s vital we pull away from that busyness at times.

“The First Line”–“Every day I find that the pencil in my mind is writing ‘Thank You, Jesus’ on the first line.” Is that true in your life?

“Jesus Did” talks about what Jesus sacrificed so that we could spend eternity with Him. It’s a call to people to turn to Him.

Laura wrote “Talk to the Father,” a song from the perspective of one who sees another hurting and desires to help carry that burden by talking to the Father on the hurting person’s behalf.

“Bless Your Holy Name Again” is a song of worship to the Father.

I love the song, “In Your Arms.” I’ve heard others sing this song but never tire of hearing it.

You may remember “I Just Want to Thank You,” as the Isaacs sang it years ago but the message is timeless. There’s always so much to be thankful for.

Laura wrote “That’s What a Father Does” for her father but it also talks about the goodness of our Heavenly Father.

“What a Difference You’ve Made in My Life” is a song from the ’70s. I’d not heard it in a while but it’s fitting for this CD of praise.

The God of All Comfort

  • Posted on September 10, 2012 at 9:09 am

Last night, I talked with a friend who is going through a hard time. I tried to share a few things to encourage her but I really couldn’t stop the aching of her heart. As I was lying in bed afterward, I was grateful for God who truly can mend a broken heart and give grace to walk through the most difficult trials. I may not have the words to speak but He does. He can use me to minister to my friend or He can come to her while I’m sleeping and give her the peace and comfort she needs.

He never sleeps or slumbers. He’s never too busy to help in your time of need. He doesn’t roll his eyes or think, “Here she goes again.” No. God invites us to cast our burdens on Him for He truly cares! No matter how painful your situation, God is there. Consciously draw near to Him today and allow Him to lift your burdens. You may not instantly feel better but you might and, if you continue to lean on Him, you will feel the heaviness of your heart become lighter. God’s plans for you are good, not evil. Don’t forget that.

Someone to Care

  • Posted on September 6, 2012 at 9:53 pm

When the world seems cold and your friends seem few
There is Someone who cares for you
When you’ve tears in your eyes, your heart bleeds inside
There is Someone who cares for you

Someone to care, Someone to share
All your troubles like no other can do
He’ll come down from the sky, brush the tears from your eyes
You’re His child and He cares for you

We all need someone to care. In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to wonder if anyone does care but I’m so glad my Father does. I’m thankful He’s available 24/7. He doesn’t sleep. He’s never too busy to listen to His child. He invites me to call on Him every second of every day. He never tires of me following Him and, in fact, He desires me too. When I get too busy for Him, it saddens Him but He continues to do His work as He waits for me to once again realize how much I need Him.

Yes, He does care. There are times He leads me through dark valleys but He never lets go of my hand. He proves over and over again that I can get through anything as long as He is with me. Thank You, Lord, for caring for me. Help me to never lose sight of how much I need you. I love you, Father!

What Really Matters

  • Posted on September 3, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Do you sometimes wonder why you’re here or if you’re touching anyone’s life? I confess that I wonder that about myself a lot. As the Primitive Quartet sings in “Falling Leaves,” I worry I’ll be one that won’t have anyone at my funeral. At the same time, I know that the quickest way to fulfill that prophecy is to go around moping about that fact. My job is to serve God who put me on this earth for a reason. If I’m pleasing Him, nothing else matters.

Life is a constant journey. I wish I were quicker to catch on to things but it can take me a while to figure out basic things or to know what God is speaking. I’m grateful for this blog, though, as it’s a way that I can share with you things I’ve learned or encourage you in the way I’ve been encouraged lately.

If you find yourself down or wondering if God is using you, don’t let it bring you down. Move forward. It’s never too late to start allowing Him to use you. People may not tell you what you mean to them but, if you are serving God, you are touching others’ lives. Rest in that and live in peace.
