March 2011 Archives


  • Posted on March 3, 2011 at 6:10 pm

I’m convinced humility is one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) character trait to attain, yet it’s one of the most important. People won’t respect someone who has enough respect for him or herself that they don’t need anyone to add to it.

As I was praying and going through my Bible study this morning, I was reminded of this fact but, true to form, I was tested and honestly I didn’t pass the test. I know I need to learn servanthood but way too often, I get in the way.

I suppose people look at praying for humility the same way they do praying for patience but, you know, we are commanded to be both humble and patience. Shouldn’t we, therefore, pray for God’s help in accomplishing His will? If God would help me to achieve those things, the struggle would not be as great as it is now.

Years ago, I read a book by Steve Gallagher entitled Irresistible to God. It was one of the best books on pride I ever read. Someone told me once that I should say it’s on humility instead of price since it sounds better. Maybe … but, if we’re that proud, God has an extra lot of humbling to do, doesn’t He.

Don’t be afraid to ask God to help you in those areas that you fail in. Yes, you will be tested but that’s how we come to be more like Him and, without that holiness, no one can see God. I don’t embrace the tests like I should but I’m asking God to help me do that too. He is faithful and I want to be just like Him!
