April 2010 Archives

Seek God’s Kingdom First

  • Posted on April 14, 2010 at 10:10 pm

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

Have you experienced times when you’ve wanted something really bad but, instead of getting it, you got something different? Sometimes you may have been disappointed but I’ve actually had times where what I received was more of a blessing than what I’d thought I wanted. It’s those times when I’m reminded that we truly are most blessed when we focus on Christ, present our needs and desires to Him and allow Him to move instead of attempting to manipulate the situation to get what we think we want.

It can be hard at times but I find that God knows me better than I know myself so I begin each day looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me. Sometimes it’s things I’m sure I DON’T want and other times I couldn’t have thought of anything I’d want more but, in both situations, God knows what’s best for me and it does work together for good. He is so faithful and His love so strong. I can’t picture life without Him, nor would I want to!

Have You Burned Your Bridges?

  • Posted on April 13, 2010 at 7:45 pm

Earlier today, I was listening to the Crabb Family sing, “And the bridges that’s behind me, Lord, I’ve burned them to the ground.” So much of the time, I see people hanging on to their past as opposed to “forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” (Philippians 3:13). If Jesus is truly the “best thing you’ve ever found,” why would you want to cling to things that are not good for you?

When God called you out, it was so that you could move forward without continually looking back. We need to learn from our history but we can’t cling to our past nor can we refuse to move forward because of our past. When God called us out, it was for a purpose. We can use the things we’ve been through to encourage others but we ourselves need to be moving forward, full of faith, victory and power into this new life that God’s given us. As we do that, we will begin to better become the men and women God desires us to be.

Sporadic Posts Possible

  • Posted on April 11, 2010 at 10:53 pm

My dear friends, first of all, let me take a minute to wish each of you a wonderful week. I am looking forward to some predicted warmth and sunshine. We’ve been getting sun but it’s been a bit cool the past couple days.

Now that the weather is warming up, I will be traveling more due to the ministry I work for. Therefore, I may not have internet every day. I plan to continue updating my blog on the evenings I do have internet but there may be days I’m unable to post. I hope you will bear with me during those times and that you will continue to check my site for the days when I do have a new post up.

My mom, Skeet Savage, is scheduled to speak at a couple ladies events in Lawrenceburg and Goodlettsville, TN. If you are a lady within range, we would love to have you join us for an evening tea with an encouraging message. Email me at sonyelise@gmail.com for more information.

This week, don’t forget to count your blessings. That simple act really does make your trials look small!

Praise the Lord

  • Posted on April 9, 2010 at 11:23 pm

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).

“In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

“I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth (Psalm 34:1).

“I will praise you, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You. I will sing praise to Your name, O most high” (Psalm 9:1).

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases (Psalm 107:1-3).

What are you praising God for today?

The Family of God

  • Posted on April 9, 2010 at 12:50 am

Do you ever stop and think about how blessed we are to truly be a part of God’s Family? Sure, it’s easy to sing nice songs about it but, for me, it’s an amazing feeling. I marvel at His love for me in placing me in such a neat Family.

Have you ever met someone and in just a few moments, you forgot that you had just met and it seemed as if you’d known each other forever? Maybe you found yourself quickly worshiping and praising God together or praying together for a need. This is something people in the world don’t have and it’s one which I think we too easily take for granted.

I’ve often said I don’t know how people get through life without God but I can also tell you that it would be a lot harder to get through life without God’s people too. Scripture would not tell us to “lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees” (Hebrews 12:12) if we didn’t need to be there for others. Paul would have told the Galatians to “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2) if he didn’t mean just that.

Every time someone offers to pray with you or every time you have the opportunity to pray with someone … every time you find someone who will take the time to encourage you and to share God’s Word with you, thank God for that. Our family is so much larger than our relatives. God knows who to put in our lives right when we need them. Take a minute to thank God for blessing you with the Brothers and Sisters that He has.

Welcome Back, Chris Allman!

  • Posted on April 7, 2010 at 9:18 pm

Since starting this blog, I haven’t reported on Southern Gospel News but I wanted to be one of the ones to welcome Chris Allman back on the road with Greater Vision. The first CD I ever received was Greater Vision’s “On a Journey” CD featuring Gerald Wolfe, Mark Trammell and Chris Allman. I’d never heard of Chris Allman before but I felt like he was the one that gave them their sound back then. Since that time, I’ve enjoyed getting to know Jason Aldroup and Jacob Kitson but I look forward to seeing what the future holds for this “new” group. Welcome back, Chris!

CD Review: Live in Nashville (Called Out Quartet)

  • Posted on April 6, 2010 at 10:37 pm

For those who have been reading this blog since the beginning, you will remember that the decision to begin my own blog came after attending a concert which featured the Called Out Quartet. At that concert, I picked up their latest recording and have really been enjoying it but I’m just now getting around to reviewing it.

Listening to the CD, for me, was reliving the concert I attended in a sense. Not that the song selection was the same but the CD captures the live experience well.

It begins with the uptempo “Wait Upon the Lord” which I really enjoy. Then they go into “Happy Rhythm.”

Marty Harris was the original tenor for the Called Out Quartet but had left briefly before coming back to play piano. On this recording, he joined them in singing “Because He Lives” (featuring Jess Birdwell on lead), “I Know What Lies Ahead,” and “John the Revelator” (also led by Jess). I said it in my concert review but I really like Jess and his style of singing. I’m very glad he’s using his talents for the Lord.

My favorite song that they sing continues to be “He Made This Valley for Me.” When Jess introduced the song, he said, “You’re either in the midst of a trial, going into a trial, or coming out of a trial.” That has been my experience which may be why I love the song so much. One line says, “I’d have chosen a mountain but He knows what I need. He chose this valley for me.”

“I Told Everybody” is a toe-tapping number which was a new song for them. Darrell Collier sang, “I’ll Be Waiting at the River for You” and, despite the cold he had that day, he did a great job. The crowd seemed to like the song too.

VonĀ  Gaines and Jess sang the theme song from “All in the Family” which the audience always enjoys.

Other songs were: “God Wrote My Name,” “I Can’t Even Walk With You Holding My Hand,” “In Just a Little While,” and “Getting Ready to Go.”

I’m sure music critics could point to places where things weren’t perfect on this recording but I was very blessed with the Spirit that shone through and I would much rather listen to that than the most polished recording on the market.


  • Posted on April 6, 2010 at 12:45 am

I think most of the country is now beginning to see signs of spring and I, for one, am really enjoying the warmth and sunshine. Even the evening rains have been soothing as I listen to the drops against my window. Spring is definitely my favorite season as I don’t think there’s anything about it that I don’t like. Well, except maybe the bugs that come out of hibernation but I won’t complain.

Although I would keep this kind of weather forever, I have learned that each season works together for the good of the earth. God created each season unique and each state and country unique to be able to tolerate different climates and grow different foods. It’s really amazing when you think of it.

So too are the seasons of life. If life were all one season and one weather pattern, we would not grow as we need to. We would easily become stagnant and unfruitful. However, because of the rain and the snow and the sun in our lives, we continue to become the vessels that God can use. We are not useless weak vats but we are becoming strong vessels that He can keep filling so that we have something to give to others.

I confess I do not always feel that strong but I possess a lot of strength that I would not have if not for the storms of life that God has allowed me to face and He’s always given me strength to stand. The warrior may be a child but this child is a child of the King, and I trust my Father to give me the weather that I need in my life. As a flower cannot grow without rain and sun, neither can I but the good thing is, when it seems like I’ll never see the sun again, I know that I will. My Father promised me that, and He always keeps His Word.

A Post-Easter Post

  • Posted on April 4, 2010 at 10:50 pm

I trust you had a blessed weekend thinking about our Lord and His resurrection. Maybe you attended a sunrise service and pictured what it was like the morning the women went to the tomb and found it empty. Maybe you were part of a communion service and wondered what it would have been like to be at the table with Jesus partaking of the last passover He would be a part of. Little did the disciples know how quickly the life they had known up to that time would change.

This past year, I read “The Robe” for the first time. It may be the only book that I put back on my shelf to re-read as soon as I finished it. I have not read it again yet but I plan to do. Although a fiction, there is so much that is thought provoking. Tonight, I watched the movie and it once again reminded me that Christ died for the whole world. No one is too unlovable or without hope. If we lived like we believe in a resurrected Christ, I suspect we would see more people come to believe in Him as well.

It’s so easy, once the festivities are over and the messages move to another topic, to go back to life as usual and forget what we profess to believe. Let’s not do that this year. Let’s not stop proclaiming that we serve a risen Savior. He is alive! He was crucified but He lives again! If nothing else, the smile on our faces should show people that we have a Reason to live. As I walk through malls or Walmarts all over the country, I sometimes wonder where all the people are who attend the myriads of churches in town. I rarely see love; I rarely see joy; I rarely see anything that makes me want to stop someone and ask them what’s different about them but it presents a challenge to me. When others look at me, can they tell that I’m different (in a positive way)? I hope so and, if they can’t, I pray that God will fill me so full that I will radiate with His light and be quick to point others to the one who is risen. We do serve a risen Savior, folks. Let’s act like it!

Happy Resurrection Day!

  • Posted on April 3, 2010 at 11:17 pm

I don’t know about you but the past few days, I’ve felt the overwhelming love of Christ. Even before it hit me that this was the weekend we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, this feeling was present and, as I think about His death on the cross and His continual work in my life, I am amazed. I can relate to what Rusty Goodman felt when he wrote, “Who am I that a King would bleed and die for? Who am I that He would say ‘Not my will Thine’ for? The answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so that to an old rugged cross He would go for who am I?”

May you all have a blessed day celebrating Christ’s resurrection, but don’t forget everything He suffered out of love for you. He died for you. Are you living for Him?
