CD Reviews

CD Review: Committed to the Call (The Rick Webb Family)

  • Posted on January 10, 2014 at 3:02 am

RickWebbFamilycd-640Rick, Phyllis, Parker and Hannah (aka The Rick Webb Family) have released another great CD of songs of praise to our Lord.

This CD begins with See What a Morning, written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend.

Next is I Will Sing of My Redeemer, Satisfied (aka “Hallelujah I Have Found Him), and Unclouded Day.

Let the Rocks Keep Silent is an uptempo song of praise.

Hannah Webb sings Send Me, a song about Jonah. I like the country flair of this song.

The tempo slows down for All Rise. Then Phyllis Webb sings If Not for the Old Rugged Cross.

Rick Webb sings Valley of the Shadow,

The song ends with a song that says over and over, I’ll Say Yes Lord. Is that your heart? If there is anything you are still holding on to, I hope you will release it today.

CD Review: Looking Toward Home (Herb Henry Family)

  • Posted on January 3, 2014 at 1:55 am

Pro-TowardHomeWhen I first heard southern gospel music, I fell in love with the harmony of some of the mixed groups of the time. The last little while, we seem to have returned to more of a quartet/male group genre; however, I still love good family harmony when I hear it. That said, I am so glad I finally got to hear The Herb Henry Family last year.

Several groups have recorded Ronnie Hinson’s song, He is Leading the Way, in the last couple years. I’m glad to see that song hasn’t died. I first heard it 25-30 years ago but the message is still relevant.

Healer of Broken Hearts has a great message and great harmony.

Chris Henry wrote Looking Toward Home. “I’ll not grow weary though the journey be rough wherever I roam. I’m looking ahead and I’m looking toward Home.” Amen!

Tougher Than Nails is a song about the cross but Jesus was tougher than nails. He is still ready and willing to forgive you if you reach out to Him.

I love the toe-tapping On the Sea of Life.

Arise is about Christ’s Resurrection.

I remember my mom singing Song Holy Angels Cannot Sing when I was a little girl. The Herb Henry Family does a great job on this Gordon Jensen classic.

Next is an acapella rendition of Golden Bells.

Wish You Could See Me Now is a bit more progressive but I love it.

Another song I absolutely love is Unto the Hills.

The Second Time Around, Jesus won’t be coming as a baby and He won’t be dying on a cross. “He’ll step on a big white cloud when the trumpet sounds to take us Home when He comes the second time around.”

Bless the Lord has a Hawaiian feel to it. It’s straight out of Psalm 103.

Chris Henry wrote about the Perfect Gift which is the one that God gave when He sent His Son to earth.

The children sing Go & Tell. Very cute and a good message.

Dear Friends:

I work for Family Renewal and handle the itinerary for Israel Wayne, a national speaker, founder of Family Renewal, LLC and author of Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview, Full-Time Parenting, and Questions God Asks. Would you be interested in helping to organize a seminar with Israel as the speaker? His most popular seminar right now is Revival in the Home which is not homeschool specific but talks about the importance of spending time with your children and discipling them so that they are not among those who leave the faith when they are older. He can also speak on worldview/apologetics, homeschooling, etc. If you have an event coming up where you would like a speaker, that would be great but I could also schedule a seminar when we are going to be going through your area anyway.

Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you!

Sony Elise

Family Renewal

P.O. Box 227
Berrien Springs, MI 49103
(269) 282-6058

CD Review: Christmas in Kentucky (The Sneed Family)

  • Posted on December 16, 2013 at 4:13 pm

cd_book_2_panel_mediumThe Sneed Family recorded a Christmas CD of some new songs and some old.

The CD begins with the rousing Christ is Born, written by Tim Greene.

Follow That Star is a beautiful song. “Just keep the faith when the road gets dark. Don’t be afraid. Love lights the way. Follow that star.”

Daryl Williams wrote Fear Not, after which they sing The Christmas Song.

Folks from Kentucky will like the title song, Christmas in Kentucky.

I love Winter’s Not a Wonderland (Without You). It’s more of a sweet love song. “The snow no longer glistens. Sleigh bells ring but I don’t listen. Winter’s not a wonderland without you.”

Do You Hear the Cry is an uptempo song written by Rodney Griffin.

The tempo slows down with Still Remember When, a song of reminiscence.

A southern gospel Christmas recording doesn’t seem complete without Beautiful Star of Bethlehem.

My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night, and The Sneed Family does a good job on that beautiful song.

Other songs include Once Upon a Christmas, Unspeakable Joy, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, and The Old Story.


DELTA 3838

CD Review: Open Your Heart and Sing (Johnson Family Quartet)

  • Posted on November 19, 2013 at 2:18 am

CDCover-front-OpenYourHeart-smBack in September, I had the opportunity to attend the WSGMA Labor Day Celebration in Turlock, CA and I was introduced to The Johnson Family Quartet for the first time. I was instantly struck by their stage presence and their harmony, along with their fun style of singing.

“Open Your Heart and Sing, Sing, Sing!” is an uptempo, fun song.

I love their medley of “Cleanse Me/Whiter Than Snow.”

“Jesus Knows My Name” is another uptempo song with a simple but good message.

“There but by the Grace of God Go I” is a really neat song and one of my favorite songs on the CD.

“I Sing the Mighty Power of God” is an acapella number which showcases their great harmony.

“Brand New Old, Old Story” is a happy song about salvation being the brand new old, old story.

“Autograph” talks about how we can see God’s love all around us.

Bonnie Johnson has a sweet voice and sings, “I Fall On My Knees and Pray.” No matter what you are going through, there is such comfort on your knees, talking with the One who can take your burden away.

They sing a unique arrangement to “Love Lifted Me.”

“I Love Living in Grace” has a “swing” feel to it.

“A Secret Place” is an excellent song penned by Michael Booth. Every time I hear it, I have to ponder: Is there a place in my heart that I wouldn’t want Jesus to go?

An acapella version of “There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit” concludes the recording.

CD Review: For All He’s Done (Greater Vision)

  • Posted on October 16, 2013 at 2:05 am

ForAllHesDonecoverThe latest CD from Greater Vision includes ten songs, nine of which were written or co-written by Rodney Griffin or Chris Allman.

This recording begins with the mid-tempo Come Unto Me, followed by Looking for the Grace. I’m not asking for God to remove the things that are going to help me draw closer to Him. I’m simply looking for the grace to go through those things.

This is Mercy is a beautiful song about the cross.

Chris Allman wrote and sings, The Blood Hasn’t Ever Changed.

Forever is Sure is a song of hope as it reminds us that “tomorrow is uncertain but forever is sure.” This was written by Rodney Griffin and Jim Brady. A great song.

The only song on the recording that was not written by Rodney or Chris is an old song the Cathedrals recorded, Seeking for Me.

Preacher Tell Me Like it Is addresses the fact that so many preachers will only say what they think people want to hear. No wonder the Church is in the shambles it is. “You say you want to be my friend? Don’t be afraid to call my sin what it is.” If there were more preachers who would do that, maybe God would send revival.

I Can Trust You is another beautiful song written and sung by Chris Allman. Regardless of the path God has for you, you can trust Him.

They continue that message in I Will Take Care of You.

What better way to end a recording than with For All He’s Done, a song of praise.

CD Review: Just Passing Thru (The Edwards Family)

  • Posted on April 5, 2013 at 10:18 pm

jpt_smThe Edwards Family recently released another great CD.

The title track, Just Passing Through, is a great reminder that this world is not our Home. If you’re a child of God, you’re just passing through.

Whiter Than Snow is a testimony of a Believer who has been saved and washed whiter than snow.

The Old Fashioned Way talks about how churches have changed. It’s hard to find churches which still emphasize prayer, repentance and Bible reading.

Do you ever think about where God brought you from? It’s those memories that make me say, I Think I’ll Just Go With God. “With Him, there is joy and blessings untold.” How could you choose any other path?

A great reminder in song is God Saves Old SinnersI’m so glad He still does!

Kyla Rowland wrote four songs on this project. But I Met a Nazarene is one of them. “All I can say is I had no hope but I met a Nazarene.” Is that your testimony? I remember the days of no hope. I’m so grateful I met this Nazarene.

He’s Alive is another great song of hope and victory.

The Rock of Ages also tells the story of the death and resurrection of our Savior.

“I may never visit where He died but I’m Going Where He Lives.” I’m so looking forward to that day!

I love the song, Did I Mention, another Kyla Rowland song. “Did I mention He’s been faithful to every promise He ever made me? I love Him. That’s all I want to say.”

Most of the songs on this CD are slow to medium tempo but I’m Learning How to Lean picks up the tempo a bit. I’ve been walking with God for over 20 years but I feel at times like I’m still learning how to lean on Him completely.

I think the perfect ending to a CD which focuses on salvation and redemption is I Want to Stroll Over Heaven With You.

CD Review: Sing Your Way to Joy (Ann Downing)

  • Posted on March 18, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Ann Downing‘s life has been a mixture of ups and downs but, even through the down times, she’s been able to sing her way to joy. Each song on this recording is a message of hope and encouragement for those who are having a hard time finding joy in their lives. Ann co-wrote all but the last song on this CD.

Bring on the Joy – talks about going through a trial but knowing everything will be all right. After all, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

You Know the Valley Too – reminds us that Jesus went before us. There’s nothing He doesn’t understand. Just give your burdens to Him. He’ll bring you through.

There’s Still a Cross – “There’s still a cross where sins are washed away. There’s still a cross where every debt is paid, where every gain has vanished and all is counted loss. There’s still a place where grace abounds. There’s still a cross.”

Pray for Power – It’s not by might or power but by God’s Spirit that miracles happen. We need to pray for that power of the Holy Ghost which sets the captives free and gives liberty.

Sing Your Way to Joy – The first verse talks about Paul and Silas while the second verse talks about how hard life can be and yet how, with God’s help, you can still sing in the midst of it.

A Little Goes a Long, Long Way – talks about the miracle God performed with two fish and five loaves of bread. The second verse talks about how you don’t need a lot to serve God. Just use what you have.

I Will Sing – Ann talks about how she will sing and tell the world what God has done for her.

It’s Not the End – No matter what you’re going through, it’s not the end. “It’s just another bend in the road of life.” Let God use it for His glory.

Make Room – tells us to make room for God to do what He wants to do. Too often, we get so busy with our own schedules and fulfilling our own desires but our lives should be centered around God and what He desires of us.

A Higher Place – This is my favorite song on the project. A prayer to God to take me to a higher place above the cares of this world. “Lord, I long for Your embrace. Until I see You face to face, take me to a higher place.”

Ann ends the CD with Albert E. Brumley’s beautiful song If We Never Meet Again.

Concert/CD Review: Once Again (The Kingsmen)

  • Posted on February 21, 2013 at 9:41 pm

On Friday, February 1, I had the blessing of seeing my first-ever full concert of the Kingsmen. It was at the Chenery Auditorium in Kalamazoo, MI. I’d never heard of this auditorium before but I was excited about checking it out. The promoter told me that they used to have southern gospel concerts there a lot but they haven’t had any now in a number of years since The Bill Gaither Trio stopped singing there. He is planning to bring in more southern gospel groups, and I really hope it goes well for him. It’s a nice place.

I met Ray Reese a couple years ago and, since that time, had put the Kingsmen on the top of my list of groups I wanted to see. God finally worked it out and I’m so grateful.

They started with a couple old songs: “Traveling Home” and “Called Out.” Then they sang a song that came out a couple years ago: “He’s Everything I Need.”

After that they sang, “After the Sunrise” and then Randy Crawford introduced the group. I had seen Ray Reese and Randy Crawford previously but was not familiar with Chris Jenkins and Bob Sellers. I enjoyed hearing each of them as they were featured on the various songs. On a side note, I did not know before the concert that Ray Reese is still going through cancer treatments. It sounds like God is answering prayer though for which I’m very grateful.

“Loving Shepherd, Gracious God” is a beautiful song featuring Ray. Then they sang “I Can Hardly Wait” and “Meet Me at the Table.” I’m glad they still sing some of their old classics. I never tire of hearing them.

After that, they went into an acapella version of “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be” and then Chris sang, “O What a Savior.” They ended the first portion of the concert with “Saints Will Rise.”

After intermission, they began with the uptempo, “I’ll Live in Glory.”

Throughout the concert, Randy talked about how going to church, being a good person, etc. doesn’t save you. It’s Christ that saves you. I also appreciated it when he said ,”The Great Commission was given to everyone.” Too many think that the call to go and make disciples was given to pastors and missionaries but that’s not true. We all have mission fields. We just need to be obedient to serve God in that way.

They then sang “What a Day That Will Be” and the chorus of “Beulah Land.”

During intermission, I had decided to go ahead and make my CD purchases to save time afterward. As I listened to “Here Comes the Bride,” I wished I had bought the CD that included that song. After I got home and started listening to the CDs I got, I found it is included on their latest CD. Songs on that CD not included in the concert are listed on the CD review portion of this post.

After that, Randy talked again, giving a powerful message. One thing he said, I’ve not heard anyone say before but it is so true. He was talking about how, when Jesus was praying in Gethsemane, His prayer was, “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” God’s answer was “No.” “Do we think we’re more important than Jesus? Jesus went to the cross not to accomplish His will but His Father’s will.” Stop and think about that. God doesn’t owe us anything, yet He blesses us daily.

Randy then gave an altar call, encouraging people to come forward if they needed prayer for anything but especially salvation. Chris sang, “He’s All I Need.” Bob prayed and then they sang “One Way Trip” which they encored a couple times. They had fun as Chris would go up and hit especially high notes.

Randy closed in prayer and dismissed everyone. I was so blessed by the ministry that went forth that evening. I was expecting to be entertained (and they are entertaining) but I was blessed that God was at the center of every song and every word spoken.

The Kingsmen recently released a CD of all previously released but re-recorded songs. For long-time fans like myself, this is a great CD to add to your collection. I remember Jim Hamill saying years ago that the Live recordings always sold well but they couldn’t give the studio recordings away. As I’ve listened to the Kingsmen’s music in the last few years, I believe that’s got to be changing. They’ve put out some good recordings with excellent songs and this is no exception.

When you first push play, you will hear their popular song, “God Sits On High.”

I hadn’t heard “I’ve Never Trusted You” previously but it’s a beautiful song which talks about surrendering to God and fully trusting Him.

“Justified” talks about what it means to be justified and what a blessing it is for those who are justified.

“What a Happy Time in Heaven” is an uptempo quartet song about Heaven.

“Without Jesus” talks about the hopelessness without Him but how, with Him, we have everything.

As mentioned earlier, many of the songs on their latest CD were sung in concert so they are mentioned in the concert portion of the review. I’ve been enjoying listening to these songs afresh and I’ve no doubt you will enjoy them as well.

CD Review: Renewed (Still Blessed)

  • Posted on January 21, 2013 at 9:25 pm

Last year, a female trio formed and called themselves Still Blessed. Their music would be considered southern gospel but their sound fluctuates from a little southern to country to inspirational.

The CD begins with a song I enjoy. Originally recorded by the Whisnants, Christina Dulworth does a good job on “New Day Dawning.”

Group member Marsha Moats wrote and sang, “From His Cross.”

Group member Sis Monroe wrote “Our Loving Master,” which Sis sings with feeling.

Sis Monroe also wrote “It’s All Good.” The sound on this song reminds me a little of the Perry Sisters.

Next is an old Bishops song, “Battle Scarred Soldier.”

Sung and written by Sis, “I Still Have Victory” is a song which I think has an old feel to it, as it kinda gently swings.

On the title track, they brought in mandolin and fiddle, giving it a slight bluegrass sound musically.

Marsha sings, “When a King Loved a Beggar.” The music, harmony and lyrics all make this an especially beautiful song.

You may remember “Still Blessed” from when the Perrys sang it a few years back. This group does a good job on it as well.

I like “It’s Not So Hard to Praise Him,” an uptempo toe tapper. It also proclaims the truth. It’s really not hard to praise the Lord when you think of everything He’s done for you.

Christina Dulworth sings, “I’ve Been to the Well.”

Christina also sings, “Celebrate Me Home,” a song the Perrys made famous but I never get tired of hearing it. A great message.

There are some clips of some of these songs on the group’s website. I hope you’ll go hear them as I think you’ll enjoy them.

CD Review: Sweet Songs About Heaven (Blackwood Brothers)

  • Posted on January 4, 2013 at 11:14 pm

The Blackwood Brothers recently released a new project with Daywind. If you liked the old Blackwood Brothers Quartet with James and Cecil Blackwood, you will enjoy this CD.

“Goodbye, Egypt (Hello, Canaanland)” is a moderate tempo song, typical of the kind of quartet song we would expect from the old Blackwood Brothers.

“Swing Low Sweet Chariot/Swing Down Chariot” takes me back to my earliest memories of hearing the Blackwood Brothers sing these songs. It’s amazing how much Jimmy Blackwood sounds like his dad, James. I didn’t realize until writing this review that Jimmy recently retired so I’m especially blessed to have what will apparently be his last recording for a while.

Tenor Wayne Little sang, “Sweet Songs About Heaven.”

“That’s What Was Good About the Good Old Days” is an uptempo song about, as the title says, the good old days.

Jimmy sang, “It Is No Secret.”

One of my favorites is “I’ve Heard About a City/Walk Dem Golden Stairs,” featuring bass singer Butch Owens. It’s the kind of quartet song and singing I love.

“That’s What Heaven Will Be” is a moderate tempo “happy” song.

“Declaration of Dependence” is a powerful song about our dependence on the Lord. We can do nothing apart from him.

I love the song “Someone to Care,” and the Blackwoods did a good, heartfelt arrangement of this song as well.

“The Devil Can’t Harm a Praying Man” is another uptempo song that must be fun in concert.
