CD Reviews

CD Review: Dreamin’ Wide Awake (Doug Anderson)

  • Posted on October 29, 2012 at 10:06 pm

Doug Anderson, the baritone singer for Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, released a solo CD last year and, although not a brand new project, I thought I would review it anyway. 🙂

The CD starts with “Jesus is Holding My Hand.” Aren’t you glad that “the one thing I’m sure of that never will change is Jesus is holding my hand”? In an ever-changing world, I love the comfort that comes from that thought.

“Smile It Through” is an uptempo, fun song with a great message. No matter what you’re facing, “Smile it through.”

“Some Say” talks about how some don’t believe in God but we know better. There’s no doubt God is alive and living in my heart.

I like the old song, “Only Here For a Little While.” It’s so important to make every moment count.

“That’s How Much I Need a Savior” talks about how we could not make it on our own but “what a Savior Jesus is to me.”

“I Love That About Him” talks about our relationship with God and how He loves pouring out His love as much as we love receiving that love.

“I’ll Take What’s Left” notes that we have nothing to give to Christ when we meet Him but He’s willing to take our poor, broken lives and redeem them anyway.

“Dreamin’ Wide Awake” is a country-sounding song about how good life is with friends and family. When I think of it, I do feel like I’m dreamin’ wide awake.

CD Review: Between You and Me (Laura Ollis)

  • Posted on September 12, 2012 at 9:52 pm

I met Laura Ollis a year ago at the National Quartet Convention. You may know Laura’s husband, Eric, from his years with the Dixie Melody Boys or the Whisnants but Laura also has a music ministry. She has a sweet voice and puts her heart into her music. Laura sums up the CD by saying it’s “a collection of songs that represent a relationship between my Heavenly Father and me; songs of praise and adoration.”

Songs on this project are:

“Tell Him What You Think”–God already knows so don’t hesitate to tell God what’s on your mind.

“Mary For a While” is a great song to turn on when you need to unwind after a busy day. It’s easy to be “Martha,” caught up in busyness with no time to rest and listen to God but it’s vital we pull away from that busyness at times.

“The First Line”–“Every day I find that the pencil in my mind is writing ‘Thank You, Jesus’ on the first line.” Is that true in your life?

“Jesus Did” talks about what Jesus sacrificed so that we could spend eternity with Him. It’s a call to people to turn to Him.

Laura wrote “Talk to the Father,” a song from the perspective of one who sees another hurting and desires to help carry that burden by talking to the Father on the hurting person’s behalf.

“Bless Your Holy Name Again” is a song of worship to the Father.

I love the song, “In Your Arms.” I’ve heard others sing this song but never tire of hearing it.

You may remember “I Just Want to Thank You,” as the Isaacs sang it years ago but the message is timeless. There’s always so much to be thankful for.

Laura wrote “That’s What a Father Does” for her father but it also talks about the goodness of our Heavenly Father.

“What a Difference You’ve Made in My Life” is a song from the ’70s. I’d not heard it in a while but it’s fitting for this CD of praise.

Concert/CD Review: Here We Are Again (Ernie Haase and Signature Sound)

  • Posted on August 2, 2012 at 10:59 pm

A couple weeks ago, I had the blessing of getting to see a full concert of Signature Sound for the first time. Because I’d not seen them, I didn’t expect to get to talk to them but they came out before the concert, at intermission, and at the end of the concert to talk with people, answer questions and just be available. I was impressed at the attention they gave each person who wanted to take a bit of their time.

The concert started with a song that was recorded on one of their early projects, “Glory to God in the Highest.”

“Singing in the Midnight Hour” features Doug Anderson and has a soulful feel.

“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” sounds like the old quartet song that it is. On the break, each group member uses their voice to sound like an instrument. A different arrangement but creative.

“Here We Are Again” is one of my favorites on their new CD. Ernie asked everyone to sing along on the chorus.

Next they sang “Reason Enough.” “I won’t wait for signs and wonders to teach me how to trust for You’ve already proven, Lord, the depths of Your great love.”

I remember when the Cathedrals released “Climbing Higher and Higher.” I thought it was a different song for them but they sang it a long time. I’m glad Ernie continues to sing it.

“Movin’ Up to Gloryland” was fun. At the end, Ernie was going around having each band member do the “moo hoo hoo hooving.” Then he had the crowd try. Ernie doesn’t need to worry about anyone taking that job over for a while. 🙂

Doug Anderson sang the first verse of “I Thirst” with Ernie singing the second verse.

Next was “I Pledge My Allegiance,” followed by “God Bless America” and acknowledgement of the veterans which were at the concert.

I love “Sometimes I Wonder,” which paints a picture of what those gone to Heaven before us may be thinking or doing.

I also love “Walk With Me” and Ernie does a great job on it. At the end of the song, they walked away from their microphones and sang acapella. Very beautiful.

Ian Owens sang a verse and chorus of “The Old Rugged Cross” before the group sang “Love Carried the Cross,” written by Ernie Haase, Wayne Haun and Joel Lindsey. Ernie said it was the first time he’d written about the cross, but he and his co-writers did a great job.

They ended the first segment with “Get Away, Jordan.”

After intermission, Doug Anderson sang two songs from his solo project: “Smile It Through” and “Only Here for a Little While.”

Then the group joined him back on stage to sing Cathedrals classics, “Step Into the Water,” “I’m Gonna Live Forever,” “Boundless Love” and “Mexico.”

Wayne Haun stepped away from the piano and joined them in an acapella version of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”

Then they sang, “Swinging on the Golden Gate.”

“Every Time” is an uptempo song which almost moves too fast but, once I got it, I really enjoyed it. At one part in the song, it says “makes me want to shout.” Ernie was trying to get the crowd to shout but we didn’t know what to do. Once people learn the song, I don’t think he’ll have a problem getting audience participation. It really is a fun song and, if you listen to the words, it has a good message as well.

Ian Owens sang the old song, “I Believe.”

Devin McGlamery sang, “We Shall See Jesus” which is a song I’ve heard many times but I’ve still not gotten tired of it.

Pianist and songwriter Wayne Haun sang “You Are Welcome Here.” No matter what you’ve done, Jesus arms are always open to welcome you Home.

Ernie ended the second segment with “O What a Savior.”

Unfortunately, I didn’t note what they sang for the encore but they did sing one more song and then closed out with another chorus of “Every Time.”


The only songs on the CD which they didn’t sing in concert are: “I’ve Been Here Before,” “Stand By Me,” “Thankful to You,” and “Any Other Man” (recorded Live in Bucharest, Romania).

Something I thought noteworthy: Ernie Haase and Wayne Haun co-wrote 7 of the 12 songs on this recording–5 with Joel Lindsey and 2 with Sue C. Smith. Wayne Haun wrote “You Are Welcome Here” with Will Hopkins.

CD Review: Staying the Course (Roy Knight Singers)

  • Posted on July 17, 2012 at 10:17 pm

I was thrilled last year when I found out the Roy Knight Singers released another recording. I’ve never heard a “dud” from them and I’ve really enjoyed this recording as well.

“One More Goliath” features Sandy Knight, one of my favorite singers singing one of my favorite songs on this CD. Whatever you’re facing is just one more Goliath. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

“Come and See”  reminds us that you don’t have to take my word that Jesus exists. Look around and come and see.

“‘Love Like Water Poured on Me’ when Jesus’ blood had cleansed my sin. God’s living water set me free when God’s love like water poured on me.”

Another of my favorite songs on this CD is “God’s Great.” “All I can say is God’s been so good. On second thought, God’s been great!” Amen?!

“Suddenly One Morning” talks about Resurrection morning.

“Battle Stand” asks, “Are you ready for one more battle stand?”

“I’m Staying the Course” is a declaration of determination to stay the course with Christ.

“So Simple So Profound” describes the love of God.

“I Can’t Keep a Secret” but, then, why would you not want to tell what Christ has done for you?

Sandy wrote “Salvation Harbor” which talks about waiting for Christ’s return.

“Jesus to Me” is from the perspective of someone who is talking to one who is thanking someone for being “Jesus to me.”

Another song in my top 3 favorites is “And Then.” “And then we’ll stroll the golden streets of God’s great new Jerusalem. And then that vast eternity of life will know no end. No more death, no more tears, forever free from sin. And then we’ll live a million years and then.”

Other songs include “Untold Testimonies,” “What Cloud You Gonna Ride On” and “America.”

CD Review: Breath of Life (Josh Oldaker)

  • Posted on June 20, 2012 at 11:34 pm

Last year at the National Quartet Convention, I was catching a few showcases when this cowboy stepped on the stage. When he opened his mouth to sing, I was impressed with the confidence and strength with which he sang. It’s hard to know what category to put him in. He’s really in his own genre but a lot of his songs have a country feel. Some have a Pentecostal feel but all have a good message.

“Slow Dance More” reminds us of the important things in life. Don’t go through life focusing on the things that aren’t important.

“The Good Book and a Good Hook” is a different kind of song about a guy whose two favorite things was the Bible and fishing. When he died, a Bible and a fish were found lose to him, side by side.

Every southern gospel fan probably knows Gerald Crabb’s song, “Through the Fire.”

“Raymond” is just a neat story in song.

I’m not sure how to describe Josh’s rendition of “Power in the Blood.” It’s pretty traditional but with maybe a Pentecostal flare.

“Eyes of Mercy” is a cry for just that. “I can’t go on without Your love, Your sweet embrace, Your tender touch.”

I believe “Heal Me” is the song I saw Josh sing at NQC. The emotion and passion he puts into the song lets you know he desires everyone to receive the healing that only Christ can give. Healing goes beyond just physical healing. Many are going through life discouraged, defeated, and down trodden but Christ can grant the joy and victory each person needs to live the life He desires for them. “Wake my soul from its sleep and give me back the joy of when I first believed. Heal me.”

“Shine Your Light on Me” is an uptempo song asking that God be glorified.

Geron Davis wrote, “Send it on Down,” referring to the Holy Spirit.

I know some people got tired of “I Can Pray” when it was on the radio by the Dove Brothers but it continues to be one of my favorite songs. I don’t like the helpless feeling that arises at times when a friend is really sick or making bad decisions, etc. Sometimes I need to be reminded that I can pray. It is not just a formality. It is something that can move the heart of God and, even if God doesn’t change the situation, as the McKameys sing, “prayer changes me.”

“Jesus Paid My Debt” is a song of thanksgiving for everything Jesus has done for us.

“The Ones That Won’t Come Back” talks about the men who gave their lives for our freedom.

Congratulations to Josh on his upcoming wedding to Amanda Conrad. For more information on Josh and his ministry, visit his website.

CD Review: Indescribable (The Chigger Hill Boys & Terri)

  • Posted on June 3, 2012 at 6:37 pm

With my recent posts on praise and worship, it seems the perfect time to review the latest release from The Chigger Hill Boys & Terri. At first glance, I really wasn’t sure what to expect from a bluegrass group performing praise & worship songs but I have really enjoyed this CD.

Songs included are: “Indescribable,” “Mighty to Save,” “Enough,” “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone),” “Lead Me to the Cross,” “Revelation Song,” and “Are You Prayin’ Hard.”

A few favorites are:

“From the Inside Out,” “Your Name,” “How Deep the Father’s Love,” and “In Christ Alone.” I like this last song anyway but the way they start out slow and acapella and then pick up the tempo slightly makes this a great arrangement.

CD Review: Treasures (Mark Trammell Quartet)

  • Posted on May 21, 2012 at 9:41 pm

The Mark Trammell Quartet recently put out a collection of old Cathedral Quartet songs.

“Echoes from the Burning Bush” is an old song which several groups have sung but MTQ keeps the Cathedrals’ arrangement. Pat Barker does a great job on the bass on this song.

“Gentle Shepherd” was written by Bill Gaither but is another song the Cathedrals sang a lot. For this song, they used a “live” version.

The first Cathedral’s recording I ever owned was ‘Traveling Live.” On this cassette was “Bloodwashed Band.” I loved it then and still don’t get tired of hearing it.

One of the best baritones in the business, Mark Trammell sings “That Day at Calvary.”

Although Pat Barker does not sound like George Younce, as he sang “I’ll Have a New Life” and “Everybody Will Be Happy Over There,” it brought back to mind the years of George singing those same songs down to the “We’re gonna shout” at the end of the song.

Neil Enloe wrote “Statue of Liberty.” If you’ve not heard it, the first verse talks about the Statue of Liberty and how privileged we are to be Americans while the second verse talks about how the cross is our true Statue of Liberty.

“An Old Convention Song” is another song in which they recorded a “live” version.

“I Thirst” was written by Mark Lowry’s mother, Beverly. I don’t know if she’s written many songs but this one was well written and nicely performed first by the Cathedrals and now by the Mark Trammell Quartet.

I never tire of hearing Mark Trammell sing “Master Builder.” The recording with that title was one of my favorite Cathedral recordings.

The first time I heard “Wedding Music” was live in concert. I sometimes wonder, “Is that wedding music that I hear?”

“Then I Met the Master” is another great song.

Last but not least, the CD ends with “Boundless Love.”

Concert/CD Review: Joy in the Journey (The McKameys)

  • Posted on May 7, 2012 at 10:11 pm

It’s hard to believe but up until a little over a week and a half ago, I had never seen the McKameys outside of the National Quartet Convention so I was thrilled when we were in MO and I found they were going to be at a church about an hour from where we were staying. I confess I was a bit stressed as we headed to where we thought the church was and ended up being in a residential area. God led us, though, and we ended up arriving right at 7:00. Not only that, we were able to sit on the front row!

If you’ve talked to anyone who has ever met the McKameys, the word you’ve probably heard the most is “genuine” and I can attest to the fact that they are that. I’m truly convinced that what you see is what you get.

Songs sung at the concert included:

Joy in the Journey – the title song of their latest CD.

Between 12 and 33 – a song I’ve loved since I first heard it sung at NQC. As my birthday approaches, I find myself singing this song more. Although older than 33, to me, it’s a reminder of how faithful Jesus was to His father even at a young age and how He desires to use me as well. I don’t know if that’s what the writer intended to say through the song but that’s where my mind goes when I hear it.

I Made Up My Mind – I needed to hear this song. I find it easy to live life doing what others think I should do instead of pressing in to know what God desires me to do. I need not worry about what others think. God’s approval should be all that matters.

God Saves Ol’ Sinners – Reuben sang this song. Very simple but true.

All That Matters – a song in which Eli is featured, recorded on their latest CD

When Faith Steps In – “When you open your eyes to that Heavenly scene and you realize it’s not a dream, that’s when faith will end.” Can you imagine the day when our faith becomes sight? When we not only believe that Heaven is real but we know it’s real?

God on the Mountain – I don’t suppose a McKamey’s concert would be complete without this song. The first time I heard of them, someone gave me a cassette which included this song. All these years later, I never tire of hearing it. I guess most people don’t.

I Made it by Grace – It’s by grace that we’re saved, not by works lest anyone should boast. This is also off the Joy in the Journey CD.

After this first set, there was an intermission and an offering was taken. When the group returned to the stage, they sang what I believe was all requests. These included:

I’ll Be Looking for You – Featuring Reuben and Peg, this was on the tape with “God on the Mountain” so I would not have thought to request this song but someone did and I was blessed to be able to see them sing this live.

Shepherd’s Point of View – The McKamey’s song list is full of songs encouraging people in the midst of trials and this song sung by Sheryl Ferris is one of those. You may not know why you face such mountains here on earth but one day you will be able to see from the Shepherd’s point of view.

Roll That Burden on Me – is another great song of encouragement. If you’re weighted down with the worries of life, you simply need to roll your burden onto the Father. Nothing is too heavy for Him.

I Prayed for You – If someone has ever said this to you, you know what a blessing it is when God lays you on someone’s heart and they take the time to pray for you.

Do You Know How It Feels – This is one of my favorite McKameys songs so I was grateful that they included it in their program. I’m so glad I know how it feels to be a child of God.

Right on Time – “Look ahead. Here comes Jesus right on time.” His timing is always perfect.

Other songs on the Joy in the Journey CD include:

I Have a Great Savior – talks about the greatness of our Lord.

Glorify the Lord in the Fire – Peg McKamey Bean sings this song which talks about the Hebrew children and how they glorified the Lord in the fire. Then verse 2 talks about the trials of life and how we still need to trust God and glorify Him in fiery trials.

All is Well – Connie Fortner sings this song in which the first verse talks about Christ’s resurrection. The next verse talks about a loved one who died but who is now in Heaven. All is well!

Remember When – Reuben Bean sings about “when Jesus saved my soul … made me whole … gave me peace within when He took away all my sin.”

He Gave – Peg sings about the various things which Jesus gave, the greatest gift being His life.

God Doesn’t Think Like Me – There may be times you wish God would write your life differently but you don’t see the whole picture. Seek first His Kingdom and be transformed by renewing your mind. God doesn’t think like you.

CD Review: Grace Says (The Kingsmen)

  • Posted on April 25, 2012 at 3:34 pm

Although one of the longest running southern gospel groups still singing today, the Kingsmen continue to get better each time I hear them.

“Back to Grace” has a country feel and tells us there’s always a way back to grace. No matter what you’ve done, you can return.

“What a Hallelujah Day” is an uptempo quartet song, one of my favorite styles that the Kingsmen do.

Harold Reed sings a powerful song, “That’s When I Knew It Was Him.”

Last year at the National Quartet Convention, the Kingsmen’s new song was “He’s Everything I Need.” I still love that song and often play it when I need encouragement. He truly is everything I need.

The title song states, “When you least deserve me, ‘Grace Says’ I’ll be here for you.”

Bryan Hudson sings “Ordinary Man” which talks about how an ordinary man is more than ordinary with God.

“I Can Hardly Wait” is another uptempo song with Harold Reed on the lead.

Randy Crawford sings the first 2 verses of “If Not for the Love of Christ” with Bryan Hudson singing the last verse. I heard Mercy’s Way sing that a few years back and love the song.

“After the Sunrise” is an old song which I know I’ve heard before but it’s been a LONG time.

The tempo slows down for “Loving Shepherd Gracious God.” Just reading the title, it says so much. God truly is loving and gracious.

CD Review: Modern Pioneers (Song of David)

  • Posted on April 14, 2012 at 2:37 am

“When Love comes to town, He brings hope and joy and laughter. When Love comes to town, He gives the brokenhearted peace.” Those lyrics sum up what we’re celebrating this weekend, doesn’t it. Because Christ arose, He is still bringing hope and joy and laughter. He is still giving the brokenhearted peace. He still moves mountains and pours out His grace because He lives! This uptempo song opens the new CD from Song of David.

David Bryan then put together a progressive version of Dottie Rambo’s song, “The Holy Hills.”

The tempo then slows down for “Water in the Wilderness.”

Next is the title song: “Modern Pioneers” which talks about our pilgrimage to Heaven.

“The Sound of the Sun (Going Down)” has a country feel which tells how “When I get over-burdened, I just pause to listen to the sound of the sun going down.” It is possible to find peace in the midst of the storm.

“One Step (at a Time)” has a Crabb Family sound. Sometimes God asks us to just take one step at a time and let Him lead the way.

“When I Leave it in Your Hands” was written by Ann Downing and Dwight Lyle. The greatest peace really does come from leaving it in God’s hands.

“Angels Watching” is a great reminder that we always have angels watching over us. We have nothing to fear.

Ashley Cook Mackey joins David in singing “This Storm.” “Don’t let this storm go to waste.” This is a prayer of mine often. If I must go through storms, I pray they accomplish God’s purposes.

“Power in His Name” begins by talking about Jesus’ birth. Then it talks about today, if you are going through trials, there is still power in Jesus’ name. “Over mountains, through valleys, in the city or on the plains … when the world needs a miracle, there’s power in His name.” It then breaks into a chorus of “Crown Him Lord of All.” A great song.

Five of the ten songs on this CD were written by David who is very gifted at writing. I realize this may be too progressive for some people but I was impressed with the songs and the heart with which he sings. His style took me back to the days of listening to the group Harvest.
